Chapter 27

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"Yeah, I think that's enough," Midoiya said snatching his phone back

"Awww, you suck," Tsu said jokingly

"Um Denki truth or dare," He asked looking over at me

"Dare," I said with a smug smile

"Show us the most difficult thing you can do with your quirk,"

"Oh yeah! That would be so cool!" Mina said excitedly

"Ok, we might have to head outside for this one though," I said standing up

"Uggghhhhh, we've been going in and out in and out all night," Bakugo complained under his breath

"Well Kacchan if you don't want to see then you can stay inside," Midorya said staring him down

"Shut up shitty Deku," He scoffed as everyone got up and followed me

When we got outside I sat down close to the middle of my yard, "Uhh, you guys might want to stay near the house," I said, "This trick could harm y'all if you get too close,"

They complied and took their seat close to the sides of my house, "This might take a little bit so feel free to converse amongst yourselves," I said a hint of nervous laugher in my voice, "And don't be surprised if I short circuit this takes a lot of energy,"

I sat and focused and they quietly chatted. I felt their eyes on me and my energy start to drain as I created... wait for it... LIGHTNING! It was already pretty cloudy so I didn't have to do much work, but it was still difficult.

I placed my hand down on the ground beside me so it wouldn't strike my head and focused every single last ounce of my energy to my fingertips.

Then all of a sudden BAM! There was a flash of light and a surge of electricity ran through my arm and I passed out for a second.

I stood up and fell over, "Heh dddon'ttt worrrryyy abbbboutttt mmeeeee youuuu guyyysssss, iiiiffffff yyyyoooouuu commmeee clossseee youuu mmiighhht getttt shhhhockkeddd," I said my speech slurring as I made an attempt to speak

"Holy shit Denki that was really cool!" Kirishima said

I giggled, "Tttthhhhaannnkkkkssszss,"

(377 words)

Hey you bitches, bros, and non-binary hoes! I hope you like this chapter, I personally thought this was a rly cool idea :)

-your author, ace

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