Chapter 23

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"Now, shall we start," He asked pushing up his large circular glasses

I nodded, mildly afraid of the questions he was going to ask me.

"Let's start off with simpler questions," Mr. Tokuda said opening a small black notebook, "First, what is your name,"

He already knew it because he asked it at the door earlier, "Denki Kaminari,"

Q: How old are you?

A: 16

Q: What school do you go to?

A: UA High

Q: What class are you in?

A: 1A

Q: What is your quirk?

A: Electrification

Q: Do you like it at UA?

A: Of course I do, if I didn't I would've left already

"What is your dad's name?"

"I'm not answering that," I said 


Kirishima stood up "You heard the man, he's not answering the-"

I interrupted, "If you want his name you can ask down at the police department,"

He looked at me annoyed, "In other words don't go digging into my personal life,"

"Ok then, next question," He said, "How does it feel being the weakest in your class,"

That sentence felt like it went by in slow motion but as soon as it was over I saw that everyone was done with his shit.

"I'm going to have to ask you to leave, and if you choose to stay I will have no choice but to release the dogs on you," I said as calmly as possible

"Dogs?" He asked, "What dogs,"

I stayed silent trying to prevent the tears from flooding into my eyes. Even though I know it's not true and that I'm trying my best, that comment still gets to me no matter what.

A few minutes of silence passed and I sighed, "Please leave, this will be the final time I ask,"

Broken Lightningजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें