"We still have an interview to conduct. And I don't believe those notes should be seen my civilian eyes," Agent Jones stated.

"Those notes were found in my apartment and are addressed to me. Find me someone who's better suited to read them," she argued.

Her confidence was slowly building back up. She didn't have time for another break down. She needed to get to the bottom of this right now.

Agent Field and Jones remained silent, but the expressions were speaking clearly. They weren't pleased with the turn of events.

"You can look at the notes after this interview," Agent Jones said.

"This interview is a waste of time. You have nothing concrete on my sister. All your questioning revolves around the suspicion that I've been in contact with Rose. Which I haven't been, by the way. I don't know where she is. But I want to find her, just as much as you do."

Her voice had slowly risen as she spoke with the last line coming out at almost a shout. She took a deep breath to calm herself.

"Now if you'll excuse us, I have some notes to look at," she said, as calmly as she could.

"You can stay," Wyatt told the agents.

Cassidy looked across at him. She didn't want these people here.

"It's a joint investigation. I rather they be here than I have to explain it all back to them later," he explained, giving her a play-nice look.

Cassidy silenced her groan. Guess she wasn't getting rid of these Agents so fast.

Wyatt walked around the table and took the spot Agent Field had previously occupied. Both Agents stood to Wyatt's back, giving them a clear view of Cassidy, and the glare she was aiming in their direction.

"What did the analyst say?" Wyatt asked Adam.

Cassidy had almost forgotten the man was standing behind her. He had been so silent. She turned to look back at him, waiting for him to speak.

"There was no fingerprints or DNA evidence on any of the animals. They all seem to be in good condition as well. The notes were found inside each animal. When examining, the analysts noticed patches that looked like they were sewn back together. They didn't think anything of it but then they noticed all the animals had the same stitch. It was the same stitch pattern in each case. They opened them up and found the notes."

"Where are the notes now?"

"Being examined. But I snapped pictures of all. They're in the file," he said, pointing to the one in front of Wyatt.

Cassidy spun back around to face Wyatt. He looked down at the file and then back up at Cassidy. She could see the hesitation in his eyes.

"Are you sure you want to read these?" he asked.

She paused for a moment. Was she sure? She had no idea what was inside those notes. There was no clue who had sent them. What if reading those notes made it clearer that Rose was the suspect they were looking for?

"Let me see them," she burst out.

It was better to read them than regret not seeing them. Wyatt opened the file and pulled out the pictures.

"They're arranged oldest to newest, according to how you remembered receiving them. There were fifteen stuffed animals. Six of the cases have been happening over the past year. Three we know about from last year, because they match the pattern. Those are the families that you visited."

"You visited the victims' families?" Agent Jones interjected.

"Six of them however, we don't know where they come from. We still arranged them according to the timeframe you gave us," Wyatt continued, completely ignoring Agent Jones.

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