Chapter 30 - - Logan

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Warnings: blood, internal organs, disturbing imagery, lowkey panic attack, vomit

Ours hands were clapped over our ears when my dad went silent for a few seconds. We slowly lowered them, then he just exploded.

Blood sprayed across the walls and a kidney hit me in the face. Patton and I were plastered with blood.

My dad just exploded in front of me. I didn't know what to do. I fell to my knees, tears slipping down my face. They left tracks in the caked blood, when Patton rushed to my side and pulled me up.

"There's more," they whispered into my ear, and I looked up. His mum was stood in the doorway, chanting the same thing as my dad had done. We ran to the broom closet and shut ourselves in, trembling and crying. The smell was apalling and the sounds outside were making Patton choke on their tears.

He threw up into an umbrella stand behind him, and I pulled them towards me and placed my hands over their ears to silence the horrible noises emitting from outside our safe space. He placed his hands over my ears as well, and we stood like that for a while, until the ground stopped shaking slightly from the people blowing up outside.

"I don't want to go out," whispered Patton, taking his hands off my ears slowly.

"We must," I whispered back, putting my hand on the door handle.

"Don't," Patton sobbed, not wanting to see what it looked like outside. I put my other arm around their shoulders and brought him into an awkward side hug.

"We have to."

I swung the door open, and Patton threw up again. The floor was flooded with blood, and there were small lumps where the organs and bones where floating. Some had stuck to the wall, others had exploded on impact.

Patton ran back into the closet, shaking slightly and throwing up.

My stomach was stronger than theirs, and so I could look upon this scene without expelling my breakfast. It was difficult, though.

I decided, as I was the more level headed of us two I should pick up Patton and carry them out of the house.

I walked back into the closet with Patton.

"Logan... I've never seen you cry before," Patton hiccuped. I touched a hand to my face and found out there were, in fact, tears streaming down my face. Patton wasn't in a different situation, with his hands shaking, eyes streaming and occasionally vomiting.

"Patton, I believe I'll be able to carry you out of here without you having to see... that, again," I offered, for the first time at a loss for words. Patton nodded and held out his arms for me to pick them up.

I disregarded the fact that he was covered in blood when I considered that I was too. Patton buried his face in my chest as I waded through the thick, red liquid, accidentally stepping on a stomach at one point. I made it out of the house and placed the still shaking Patton down.

"You're so brave," they cried, slumping down on the floor and continuing to cry into his palms. I sat down with them and tried to dry my own tears, to no avail. My body was in shock, which meant I could only sit on the floor with Patton, shaking slightly and crying silently. I looked down the street to make sure no one else was approaching, and it seemed they weren't. We were safe, for then.

"I guess dinner's cancelled," Patton laughed dryly, "What do we do now?"

"I... I really have no idea, Pat," I sighed defeatedly, placing my head in my hands and trying to control my breathing. My dad was gone. Their mum was gone. Who knew who else was gone, we didn't see half of the people who came in.

"Logan!" Patton yelled, scrambling back and pointing at the house. I looked back and saw the house was disintegrating before our eyes. I could only stare. What the hell was going on?

"Ed," Patton whispered, scrambling to his feet and taking the side gate into the garden to retrieve our dog, before letting out a horrible scream.

"Patton?" I called, then shot up and ran after them. They were staring at our dog, who was literally melting. Melting into a doggy puddle. I clapped a hand over my mouth, backing away and dragging Patton with me.

Our house had now lost the top floor, and the other houses had started to disappeared too. As did the road.

I couldn't find in me the will to run, so I dragged Patton to the driveway and hugged them tightly. They responded with a rib-crushing hug as the ground around us slowly disappeared, giving way to a black void.

"I love you," Patton cried into my chest as we fell down into the abyss.


for those who didn't read bcs warning:
Patton and Logan hid in a closet then escaped their house before hugging and falling into an abyss.

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