Chapter 10 - - Virgil

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I'd decided when I went on the date to be confident. I managed that for about two minutes then completely caved in.

It turned out his favourite movie was Frozen, which surprised me in no way whatsoever.

"How about you? Got a favourite movie?" he asked. Oh no. I was not prepared for it to be asked back. I took a long draught of my coffee to give me time to think about it. OK. What movies have I watched? Shit. Fuck. Balls. I couldn't remember any movie I'd ever watched. What is a movie?

Then a title surfaced in my brain and I blurted,
"The Nightmare Before Christmas."

An adorable smile crossed his face and he exclaimed excitedly, "I, too, love that movie!"

It seemed like that was the right answer. We talked for a while about it and discussed which song from the film was our favourite and why it was Sally's Song, specifically the cover by Amy Lee.

I don't think I'd talked that animatedly for a while. How the hell had Roman Sanders managed to bring me out of my shell?

He seemed like a Grade A asshole, always hanging out with his friends and laughing with his friends and being all popular. Even if they were all fake, at least he had them. OK, maybe I was jealous. OK, I was jealous. When I talked to him, he seemed like a genuinely charismatic and fun guy.

We talked for a while about lizards under the earth's crust and the messages behind Disney movies when I realised we'd been at the cafe for nearly two hours. I knew what I wanted to say, I just didn't know how or when to say it. Or if I could.

I supposed it was just like ripping off a bandaid. Do it quickly and the pain isn't prolonged, so in the middle of him rambling about how while beauty and the beast was technically  romanticising stockholm syndrome, they were still in love, I yelled louder than I mean to, "Want to come over?"

He looked taken aback. Shitfuckshitfuck I'd taken it too far. He hates me. I'd messed it up. I was going to be alone fore-

"Said the guy who said it was too soon to be kissing earlier. But yes, Vigil, I would love to come over to yours as soon as we pay the bill," he smiled, taking out his wallet.
"I can pay!" I insisted, but he retorted with,
"The guy who asks, pays."

That seemed fair. I still felt bad and like I owed him one, though.

A waiter came over and gave us our bill, took our money then let us be. We stood up and made our way out of the cafe.

"My house is less than a mile away from here so we won't need to take a bus or anything," I said, starting to walk in the direction of my house. He walked alongside me, then slipped his hand in mine.

"Your hand is so cold!" he exclaimed, and started rubbing his thumb on the back of my hand to create more heat.

Rip Virgil, he did very little with his life and eventually died because a cute guy held his hand. May he rest in peace.

But seriously, anything my brain may have been doing froze dead as he took my hand. It was much larger than mine - I had very small hands - and was very warm. It made me feel secure, but also completely killed me.

"Is this ok?" Roman asked, trying to respect my boundaries but oblivious to the fact he'd just completely destroyed them.

"Yes," I managed to get out, feeling like my tongue had been tied in knots.

"Am I making you nervous? Oh my Emma Watson I'm making you nervous," he grinned, like he'd just won something.

"Don't... don't get all cocky or I'll let go of your hand," I challenged, except the challenge aspect of it was completely undermined by how small my voice had become.

"Sure thing, hot topic," he smirked.

"Aw, you think I'm hot," I joked, gripping his hand a bit tighter as I trppied slightly over my shoelace.
He snorted and pulled me towards him, letting go of my hand and placing it over my shoulders.

"You're such a dork."

As he said that, a figure rose out of the trash and remarked, "Dork means whale penis! You just called your boyfriend a whale penis!"

"Dad?!" I yelled, pulling out of Roman's arm and walking towards who I supposed to be moustache dad. It was.

"Virgil! So this is where you've been," he noted and took a bite out of the deodorant he was always eating, "I see you got yourself a dashing boyfriend."

I turned red up to my ears when Roman stepped in and said, "Hello Mr Stokes, we were just heading to your place. My name is Roman Sanders."

He went to hold out his hand but remembered where my dad had been and dropped it down to his side.

"How lovely. Well boys, I'm going to be here for a while, so just remember to use protection!"

I gagged at that and lead Roman away by the hand (which was not an easy feat. Taking his hand almost caused me to spontaneously combust).

"Your dad seems... nice," he laughed.

"Don't even," I groaned, and waited for the questions about the deodorant. They never came, thankfully. How was I supposed to explain that one of my dads eats deodorant as a snack?

Eventually we arrived outside of my house, where I unlocked the door and gestured for him to go in.

"Your majesty," I said as grandly as I could. Roman grinned and came in, shutting the door behind him.

"Nice place," he remarked.

"Yeah, thanks," I responded, rubbing the back of my neck. Then snake dad walked in.

"Well hello there, Virgil. And you are?"

"Roman Sanders, he/him. Nice to meet you."

"Janus Stokes, he/him. The pleasure's all mine," snake dad responded. They politely shook hands.

"Moustache dad was in the bins again," I informed snake dad.

"Again? Curse that man," Snake dad sighed and went to retrieve his husband.

"Two dads huh? That's cool," Roman smiled and sat on the sofa. I went and joined him there.

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