Chapter 26 - - Prom

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I know absolutely nothing about prom so uhhh yes❤️

Roman and Virgil were getting ready for prom, getting changed in their room. Roman needed a lot of help getting into his dress with the back and stepping into it, so Virgil paused on getting his blazer on to help the poor man. They'd both taken time off of work to do prom, which the companies understood.

Roman's dress was surprisingly flattering and didn't look too bad. Honestly, he kind of slayed. Virgil looked sophisticated in his suit and together they looked amazing. A true power couple.

Amelia and Alice met them at their door and Henry drove them to the school. You could hear the music from outside the hall, and this made Virgil shrink into his skin a bit. As much as he had come out of his skin, loud noise didn't do him well. Roman took his hand and they walked in together.

Alice was able to stand more confidently in her dress since she had started to model more for Virgil, which made Amelia proud and happy for her. Alice had brought in a lot of clout for his brand and more followers for her, with very positive feedback from comments. There were a few racist comments, but they were drowned out by the love and didn't affect Alice too much.

Not only had she created more of an online presence, but she'd started to get noticed in school too, so when she walked into the hall where prom was being held she got a few congratulations and recognition.

The song playing was Don't Stop Believing, which made the party cringe but also dance ironically.

Roman went over to the punch and someone said, "Dude, don't. It has squirt in it."

"Squirt? Nevermind, I'll stay dehydrated," Roman frowned, and walked back to where Virgil was standing. He took his hands and started to swing them in a vaguely dancey manner. There were red decorations and heart confetti on the floor, with a heart photobooth to take pictures in.

Virgil and Roman mostly just danced through the night, sometimes taking breaks on the bleachers with Alice and Amelia, and smiling for pictures when a teacher came over with a camera.

~~~~I know nothing about prom so let's skip to the end~~~~

Roman and Virgil were eventually pulled out of the hall by Alice and Amelia, who'd had enough of the loud music and crowds and were ready to go. There hadn't been any alcohol there, so Roman and Virgil were giddy with pure adrenaline from the bright lights and sugar from the party rings.

Henry pulled up outside and the teens piled in to be taken back to the boy's apartment. Roman was beaming because he'd received many compliments on his dress and makeup, which he'd done with Virgil's help to match the dress.

Roman and Virgil found themselves talking about their futures at 3am on their sofa. Roman wanted to go into acting and had been accepted into an acting school, and even though that seemed sorted, they still needed to discuss what it would mean for them.

Virgil wanted to pursue a career in fashion, coming up with a clothing line and having people model them, which at the moment was going well, except he was at the moment pairing up with other brands. The two directions they wanted to go could separate them, so they sat cross-legged on the sofa across from each other and talked.

"I'm going to have to live near it, and it's a few hours away. We could live in an apartment near the school, and you could find new opportunities in the city," Roman put on the table, thinking that was the most viable option. Virgil considered it, thinking about how big of a step that was. Move away from everyone and live with Roman, or separate from Roman and stay with everyone else.

"I really don't know, Roy," Virgil sighed, looking down and frowning,"I love you, and I'm ready to take a new step, but this is such a big step."

Roman nodded and replied, "I'm not going to make you come, I can't do that, but being in the city with more people could help your brand."

"It would be, I understand that, I'm just not good with change, I'm sorry," Virgil apologised, getting overwhelmed by the thought of moving hours away from home and furthering his brand.

"Hey, hey, don't apologise. There's no hurry to make any decisions, and whatever you choose to do I'll support, because I love you too," Roman reassured him.

"Thank you, I promise I'll know what to do soon, i just need to think it over," Virgil concluded, leaning forward and hugging Roman.


Patton and Logan sat on the sofa under a blanket, a bowl of sweet and salty popcorn between them. They watched the new season of Brooklyn 99 together, debating about how while it was copaganda it was also just a workplace sitcom which happened to be set in a precinct. Well, it was just Logan talking aloud about it while Patton half listened.

They were being sent quite a few messages from friends saying baoit how much they were 'missing out', so eventually they put their phones on silent and focused on the show. If anyone was missing out it was those at the prom, because chilling at home was much more fun for them.

They heard the front door open and close, then Remy walked into the front room and gasped.

"Shouldn't you boys be at prom?" he asked, looking surprised.

"No, prom is not compulsory and we would rather stay home," Logan said, eyes not moving from the screen.

"B-b-but you're... you're teens? Prom is your thing???" Remy frowned, thoroughly confused by the scene in front of his eyes.

"Hey, we're watching a show, could you not?" Patton asked. Remy put his hands up and left, not sure if he should be proud of his son for watching TV or disappointed for not being at prom.

Logan put an arm around Patton and Patton leaned in, content with where they were.

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