Chapter 5 - - Patton

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I can't belive I'd been such a... such a cotton-headed ninnymuggins! Why didn't I ask the teacher if this seat was taken? Well now I'd landed myself in an uncomfortable situation. I knew who my soulmate was and they knew me.

I stared up at them, taking in the person who was meant to be my other half. Tears formed in my eyes as I realised it was expected of me to form a romantic relationship with this guy. I didn't want that.

There are many types of love. Familiar love, platonic love, self love and... romantic love. I love most types of love. Romantic love was not one of them because I'd never understood it, and I didn't want to begin to.

This stranger I was expected to spend my life with extended their hand and said, "My name is Logan Keen, he/him. I suppose we are soulmates."

My words caught in my throat as I stared at his hand. He pulled it back in an almost offended manner. I couldn't take this. I grabbed my bag and ran out the room. I didn't know where I was going or why I was running, but my feet took me to the fountain. I sat on the edge and looked down at my lap. I couldn't cry at school. That would mean people would get concerned about me, and I didn't want that.

Tears dotted my lap regardless.

It seemed Logan had been able to excuse himself from class, as he was walking over to me with a mildly annoyed expression on his face. Trying desperately to wipe the tears off my face, I looked up at him and gave him a watery smile.

"Why did you run?" he asked pointedly. Deciding I could trust him (he's supposed to be my soulmate, if I can't trust him then something's up), I said, "I really, really don't want a relationship right now. I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry but I can't do it."

My hands clenched on my thighs as he sat down next to me. I avoided his eyes as much as I could.

"Excellent, because neither do I. Romantic relationships are time-consuming and pointless," Logan intoned.

I raised my head to look at him, then hiccuped. This made me giggle, then chuckle, then laugh. I started laughing madly, and the look on Logan's face only made it worse. I don't know if I was laughing because of the hiccups or because I was worried for nothing, but with each hiccup I laughed harder.

"Are you... are you OK?" Logan asked, looking more than mildly concerned for me. My sides and cheeks hurt from all my laughing so I cackled, "It hurts, it hurts!"

Logan was now very obviously alarmed for my wellbeing. He proposed the idea of breathing exercises which I agreed to through breaths, and eventually I calmed down.

"So what do you suggest we do?" Logan asked, referring to the awkward soulmate situation we were in.

"I really don't know, Logan. We could be friends and see how that works out," I suggested.

"Ah, so you're suggesting we engage in a platonic relationship rather than a romantic one. That's actually... quite smart," Logan admitted, "I think we should keep the fact we're soulmates on the down-low."

"-gan ."


"On the down Logan," I grinned. He frowned and readjusted his glasses.

"Oh! My name is Patton Carter, he/they. Nice to meet you Logan Keen," I introduced myself, finally shaking his hand.

Maybe this could work out for us.

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