Chapter 1 - - Patton

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Hey! Author here. There are some words/wording in this story that people don't understand (especially in Logan's POV), so if you ever need a definition or help understanding, drop a comment and I'll try help out! It's not a bother, I'm happy to help.

I was greeted into the day by a large animal jumping on my stomach. The large animal in question was my very adorable and lovable german shepherd Max, who then bounded off of my stomach and ran around the room.

Wincing slightly as I got up, I met the day with a smile. I'd heard it was a good habit to get into, treating each new day with a smile, so naturally I adopted it into my routine.

Pushing my wolf patterned (Patton-ed) duvet off my lap, I swung my legs over the edge of my bed and placed my feet on the soft, blue carpet. This day felt different from the rest, like an entirely new beginning, but a quick glance at my thigh threw me mercilessly back into reality.

Max barked at me from the landing.
"I'm coming, I'm coming," I groaned, then made my way down the stairs and into the white-walled kitchen. The change from the carpet of the hallway to the tiles of the kitchen was an unpleasant one - I regretted not slipping on my super fluffy slippers before I descended the stairs, but it was too late now. I had chosen my fate, and it was a brutal one.

I placed food down for Max as I assumed that's what he disturbed my sleep for and took a seat at the counter.

"Good morning, my love," My mum (mom, if you will) smiled as I entered. I returned her smile with a beam and then leaned forward over the counter, her back to me.
"Eggs?" I asked, sniffing the air.
"Where did you get that notion? I'm making pancakes," she chuckled, flipping a delicious looking pancake in her pan.
"Well it smells egg-cellent," I remarked, a smile still plastered on my face. Mum slowly turned around and said, "Why do I put up with your crepe."
My mum was my one and only inspiration. My muse, one could say.

"So... first day at your new school today!" she exclaimed in a sing-song manner, doing a little shimmy to accompany it. I laughed at her antics and replied, "It should be fun, although I'm not sure how to get there."
I just realised at that moment I had no idea how to get to school. Oh sugar. Oh fudge. Oh-
"Well that's fine, I can give you a lift!" mum offered, placing a pancake on a plate next to her. She handed me the pancake and I plastered it with sugar and lemon.

~~~~oooh a time skip~~~~~~

The school was a large building so lacking in features it resembled a prison. I probably shouldn't make that negative comparison; my therapist told me I should try and focus on the positive side of things. Speaking of, there was a beautiful fountain out front decorated with lily pads and a few stone sculptures.

Why a school needed a fountain was a mystery to me, but I decided to accept it and move on (another piece of advice my therapist had given me - don't dwell on things).

As I passed it, I noticed a littering of pennies on the bottom. I clapped excitedly and fished in my pocket for loose change, finding a lint-covered quarter. I flicked it in and made a wish.
I wish I didn't have a soulmate.
Oh fudgecakes, with you listening in it's never going to come true! Ah well, it's inevitable anyway.

There was a steady stream of students entering the priso- school now, so I let the fountain be and walked towards the entrance. I would say it loomed above me, because it's a new school which looked like a prison, but I have to say it wasn't door-nting in the least. It seemed I could handle entering the school, but the corridors were another thing.

Pupils of all varieties wandered the halls, some deeply involved in conversations with their friends, some staring at the ground listening to music, some making out against a locker, which is just ew. Sidestepping towards the closest wall, I slung my backpack off my shoulder and propped it against the peeling, whitewashed walls. After a long while of rummaging through the books, stationary and lunch in my bag I found my schedule.

What on earth?

The room names made no sense whatsoever, like what did E-12 even mean? J-3? Who came up with this system?

My first period was in B-3, which was just another symbol on a paper for me, so I decided to stop a fellow student and to ask for their help.

Someone in a dark hoodie with black jeans and converse walked past, head down. I tapped their arm and asked, "Sorry, but where is B-3?"

They stared at me with a blank expression then took out one of their earbuds. I heard P!ATD blasting from it and I had a bit of a fanboy moment until I remembered the task at hand. I repeated my query to them.

"It's just down the end of the hall then left, you can't miss it," they explained to me. Their voice was low and quiet, so in the hubbub of noise in the hallway you really had to listen to hear what they were saying.

"Thank you so much! Hallelujah you were here or else I'd be lost!"
This was a direct reference to the song they were listening to.
There was an awkward beat.
And another one.
"My name is Virgil Stokes," they said, "pronouns he/him."
One amazing thing about living here: people introduce themselves with their pronouns!

"Well, Virgil, I am just stoked to meet you," I grinned.
Awkward beat.

"Patton Carter, he/they," I blurted after that social fiasco. Virgil nodded and stated, "I've never seen you around, are you new?"

"Yes! I moved here from Minnesota recently. Would you like to be my first friend?" I asked hopefully, playing with the backpack strap that hung in my hand.

Virgil seemed taken aback by this.
"Friend," he repeated, as thought it was an alien concept, "sure, I guess."
"Amazing!" I exclaimed, clapping my hands together again. Maybe this school won't be so bad.

I took Virgil's directions and saw B-3 on the left side of the corridor. Great! I wasn't lost yet. Take that, anyone who thought I'd get lost on the first day.

I walked into the classroom, a bit early, and took a seat at the front. The bell rang and everyone else poured in the door.

Five minutes into the lesson a tall person wearing a lot of hair gel walked in and scowled at me.

"You're in my seat," he said rather loudly. Oh fuck nuggets.

"What did you just say?"

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