Part 10

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"Thank you so much for meeting me today William."

"Oh the pleasure is all mine, Seraphina. I love getting to know more of the people John hangs out with."

While Mr. Doe and Seraphina exchanged greetings for what felt like forever, Arlo, Blyke, Isen, and Remi quietly texted under the table until it was there turn to speak.

Remi- Guys, don't you think Seraphina is acting a little strange?

Isen- Yay she seemed more than willing to call John's dad.

Blyke- maybe revenge???

Remi- maybe guilt..??

Arlo- whatever it is it's definitely something.

Remi- welcome to the conversation


"Is John still taking his meds?" William said.

Heads shot up so fast, you think they all would have broke their necks.

"Mr. Doe, what do you mean by meds?" Isen asked with both confusion and disbelief.

"You think this generation would be smarter, meds stand for medication or treatment..."

"No Mr. Doe. What Isen means to ask is what would John meds for?"

"Wait you guys don't know. I thought many people would be able to catch the symptoms but the way he acts." William's voice started to quiet down, as if to mumble to himself.

"William please tell us what you are talking about. We want to know if it means we can help John." Remi pleaded.

"Tsk, that guy needs more than help."

"John is diagnosed with PTSD and BPD and has had them for years."

I'm back. Did you miss me? Probably not. But hey I leave for a month or two, come back and this fanfic is almost at 15k!!!

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