Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Trophies always obsess over knives.


20th April 2018, Friday

Strokes were an absurd code maneuvering through the watcher's eyes and showing the expected in the most unexpected way. They did not just show me but they lived around me. Some were hard to read, like what I drew, others spoke for themselves. For example, Kiara was a single stroke drawn with neatness. She was just one colour that was not thought about, simply thrown around. I loved that. I loved her.

She smiled at me despite the glare Mr. Head Boy gave her. I pointed at the grumpy face and she stepped back into her position. I never understood her purpose of getting into the Samaritans if it was this hard.

"...Ashiamma Apte," Vicky said.

Taking in a deep breath, I climbed up the stage. Vicky gave me his mic and whispered, "good luck".

Good luck. I rolled my eyes. For what exactly was this 'good luck' meant? This was my school and I had addressed it a hundred times. Simply because I always won.

"Good Morning to all," I said.

I had been reading speeches from the paper all my life until last year when Vicky started helping with the club. Oh boy, he helped just fine. In the beginning, I had been in awe. Somehow he looked at these frowning creatures and managed to create an aura, giving speeches like it was nobody's business, making it everyone's business. The teachers were downright foolish to miss his magic.

He would read the speeches Kiara wrote, learn in a day and the next day while I still had not practiced, he would know all lines by heart. Yet, at times he fumbled on a word or two and then began dictating his dictionary of swear words. Now, when he was called to participate in other events, I felt proud. It was me who saw it in him. I put the coals to work.

"I could not thank you all for showing such support to me. Growing up as an artist is, in its own way, a great achievement. Watching you all actually promote my work and take interest in the exhibitions is mind blowing," I said.

Vee cleared his throat. I gave him a sideways glance. He was raising his eyebrow at the Principal.

"I would like to thank the school faculty and our wonderful Principal who showed enthusiasm in my ideas. If it wasn't for Madam Principal's insightful leadership skills, Dandelion Presidency could never have won the competition. This trophy that I hold may be in my hands but it is made out of your support." I skipped through the lines because, honestly, why give credits to those who simply had no right? "Thank you all. Thank you very much. Keep the spirits high."

Everyone clapped. Few hooted but got shut down by the teachers. I turned off the mic and sighed.

"Did I do fine?" I asked Vicky.

He grinned. "Fantastic."

"I think I should've named a few people. But by the looks of everything, no one would've enjoyed it."

He shrugged. "The students were asked to assemble half an hour before dispersal. And now, they're being rushed out. I think if anyone minds it is the staff."

I turned to look at teachers literally walking their way through the students, not caring if they were in line or not. You could not blame them. They had an extra late shift today.


I smiled at Kiara. "Do not smile at me when you're on duty. I don't want the head boy on my tail."

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