Most Beautiful Day

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Jezebel gulped the water and placed the glass on the table.

"How are you feeling now?" asked Daniel.

"Now I am ok." said Jezebel and blinked at him.

"You were running as if you got freedom from someone or something. Even I couldn't catch up with you dude." said Daniel and sighed thinking about the race they had few minutes before.

Jezebel laughed and poured the water again. She took a sip and sighed.

"That's because I am Usain Bolt's sister."

Jezebel laughed and winked at Daniel who giggled at her reply.

"So Mr. Daniel George, how was your day with me?" asked Jezebel.

"I enjoy each and every moment with you Jez. Not only today but every day. I won't feel bored when you are with me." said Daniel.

Jezebel was satisfied with the answer he gave her. She was at the verge of bursting. Daniel noticed her eyes getting filled with tears.

"Hey Jez. What happened? Don't cry buddy. Many people are here. They will mistake us. Please." said Daniel tightly holding her hand.

"I am sorry Daniel. I became emotional."

Jezebel wiped off the tears before flowing down her cheeks. Daniel rubbed her palm gently. She looked at him and asked a question that shocked him.

"Do you love me Daniel?"

"Of course Jezebel. You are my special friend. I love you a lot."

"Not in that way. I mean do you love me more like a friend."

The smile on his face vanished hearing that question. Daniel looked away and gazed at the sea for some time. Jezebel cursed herself for asking such a stupid question. She regretted for silencing Daniel. She opened her mouth to utter sorry.

"Daniel, I am..."

"No need to say sorry. I didn't find anything wrong in your question. In fact, you asked me a doubt."

"I know you didn't expect this from my side but..."

"Don't regret Jezebel. As I told you before, we are friends and we can tell anything to each other."

"Ok then answer me"

"I don't and I can't."

Jezebel was puzzled. She was about to tell something but that instant, the waiter came to take their order.

"What do you want to have?" asked Jezebel to Daniel.

"Grape juice."

"Ok so two grape juice."

"Anything else?" asked the waiter looking at them.

"No. Thank you." said Jezebel.

The waiter went away and Jezebel asked him to explain what he meant.

"I can't consider you in that way. We are still good friends and it's better to stay like that. And I know, you can't also consider me as your lover."

Jezebel sighed in relief and drank the water again. The tension which was increasing every second was finally gone.

"And one more reason is there." said Daniel.


"I am already in love with my batch mate." said Daniel and smiled mischievously.

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