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Today will be the last day Jezebel get to see Daniel's face. After coming back from his house the previous day, she spend most of her time inside her room. She didn't eat properly and laid on the bed. She remembered every moment she spend with Daniel. He only occupied her mind.

Beula woke her up in the morning and asked her to get ready quickly coz they have to attend the funeral. Jezebel made up her mind not to break down in front of all because she knew that she won't be able to bear to see his funeral.

“Calm down Jez. You should stay strong. Your Daniel taught you to be strong and bold. So you need to control yourself." She said looking at her reflection in the mirror.

After informing Lucy about their departure, Beula and Jezebel headed towards Daniel's house. They took time to find a place to park the car coz many people came that day. After locating a suitable place, Beula parked the car and they walked towards their destination.

The priest had arrived already and Jezebel straight away went to see Daniel's parents and grandma. Alice was present in her room and when she saw Jezebel, she gestured her to come near her. Jezebel embraced her in a hug and comforted her.

“Today is his last day in this house. After some time his lifeless body will leave us."

Jezebel didn't know what to say. She heavily sighed and kissed Alice's cheeks. She then went to see George and Esther. They both acknowledged her and after spending a few minutes with them, she went to the living room where people were gathered. She found a chair near his body and sat down staring at him.

Beula was sitting beside Remi. She looked weak and Beula was holding her hand.

“Are you from his college?" asked a middle-aged woman.

“No, but I am his friend." She answered not expecting another question from the lady.

She continued staring at Daniel and didn't notice anyone around her. At 2 pm the priest started the prayer and after completion, his body was taken from the mobile mortuary and was placed in the coffin. Jezebel followed it along with Alice while Remi and Beula walked with Esther.

The coffin was placed inside the ambulance and George, Esther and Alice got inside. Jezebel turned around to find Beula and Remi standing behind a woman. She was about to go near them but Esther stopped her.

“Jezebel call Remi. You both can accompany us."

Jezebel nodded and called Remi. She glanced at Beula.

“You both go with them. I will follow you."

Remi and Jezebel got inside the vehicle and the door closed. She sat next to George and Remi in the front seat. The driver started the ambulance and drove off to the church. Throughout the little journey, Jezebel glanced at Daniel. She saw Alice kissing his forehead and crying. She felt a pain inside her chest seeing this.

The vehicle entered the church compound and stopped in front of its main entrance. Everyone got out of it and few men took out the coffin. They entered inside followed by others. Jezebel and Remi walked hand in hand.

The men placed the coffin on a table which was kept in the centre of the church. The priest waited for everyone to join. Soon he started the funeral service. Jezebel didn't have the mind to listen to it. She kept her gaze her his lifeless body. After the service got over, George came forward and kissed Daniel followed by his Esther, Alice and other close relatives.

Esther gestured both Remi and Jezebel to do as they did. Remi went first and kissed him and few teardrops escaped her eyes. Then Jezebel stood near the body and gently planted a kiss on his forehead. She felt coldness on her lips when she kissed him. She couldn't believe that it was her last kiss to him.

George came forward and hid Daniel's face using a cloth as told by the priest. Then some people carried his coffin towards the cemetery which was on the backside of the church. Jezebel stumbled in between and Remi held her tightly. The coffin was finally placed near the cemetery in which he will be resting forever. The coffin was closed using the lid which had a cross on it. Then it was lowered to the ground.

Jezebel viewed this with a heavy heart. She clutched Remi's hand and bit her lower lip to control the tears. Remi was crying silently. After taking a final glance at the coffin, many people walked away. Only Daniel's family stood there along with Remi and Jezebel. Beula came forward and hugged Esther and Alice and said her condolences to his family.

She then ambled towards Jezebel. Remi smiled weakly at Beula.

“I am going, Jezebel. My friend is waiting there. I need to reach home as soon as possible." Remi said turning towards Jezebel.

Without saying anything, Jezebel tightly hugged Remi and gently rubbed her back. Remi reciprocated the hug and they cried. They broke the hug and Remi said her farewell to them and sauntered away.

“Let's go, Beu.  I don't have enough courage to stand here. My Daniel is gonna rest in his new home." She said looking at his coffin.

“We can't change God's wish. May his soul find its solace in heaven."

Jezebel said a final goodbye to his family and walked away with Beula.

When the car passed the gate, Jezebel asked Beula to stop and she stepped out quickly and ran inside. She climbed the stairs and pushed open the door of her room and locked it. With a thud, she fell on the floor and started to cry her heart out and screamed...


She heard Beula constantly calling her but she ignored it. She tried to stand up but felt weak. Somehow she stood on her legs and unlocked her door. Suddenly she felt a sharp pain inside her head and the last thing she heard is Beula shouting her name. Jezebel collapsed on the floor.


Hey pals

✪How was the chapter?

✪As expected Jezebel is shattered to the core to witness her Daniel's funeral.

✪Now his memories are with her till her end. And he might be seeing his buddy's terrible condition from the heaven.

✪Hope Jezebel gathers the strength to overcome this trauma.

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