Everything is Over?

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Next day Jezebel woke up little early coz she decided to spend more time with Daniel's family. She did her routines quickly. When she reached the kitchen, Beula was present there making bread toast.

"Hey Jez morning..." said Beula.

"Morning Beu. Why are making this now?"

"It's for you Jez. You don't have to skip your breakfast. So for time being have this and later you can have something from the cafeteria."

Jezebel smiled and started to have the food and was later joined by Beula. She kept the plates near the sink and they both headed towards the car porch. Jezebel dialled Esther's number.

"Hello aunty---yeah I am coming---oh then I will see him---bye."

"What did she say?" asked Beula.

"The duty nurse told that Daniel is having pain and he is feeling restless."

"Will you get time to see him?"

"That I will manage Beu. Uncle and Aunty will be relieved if I meet him daily and update about his condition."

Beula nodded and wished for Daniel's recovery soon. She didn't ask anything to Jezebel. After dropping her in front of the main gate, Beula drove off while Jezebel walked towards the room.

"Did anyone of you saw him yesterday after I went?" Jezebel asked looking at Daniel's parents.

"I saw him child but that time he said that he was having pain but not severe. Now he can't bear it."

George face reflected pain and worry and Jezebel became sad seeing his face. Esther was tightly holding her hand.

"Can you go and see him for us? We can't see him in this state because we will lose our control and will break down. We don't want our son to get upset seeing us. Please Jezebel..."

"Sure aunty. I will talk to him and will inquire about this with the doctor. I will do everything before my duty time."

This brought a weak smile on Esther's face. George glanced at them and sighed. Time passed by and Jezebel stood up to leave. First she went to see Daniel. Upon reaching the ICU, she took a deep breath and opened the door.

"Is he sleeping?" Jezebel asked the nurse looking at Daniel.

"No doctor. He is awake."

Jezebel stood near him and gently tapped on his hand.


Slowly Daniel opened his eyes and when he saw Jezebel, a bright smile formed on his face.

"How are you feeling? How is the pain?" enquired Jezebel.

"Pain is severe Jez. But I am telling myself that it will be okay. Self motivation is good know."

Jezebel chuckled and Daniel smiled. He asked about her studies and Beula.

"Beu is not getting time to visit you. She is not getting enough rest. Always typing something on the laptop. Workaholic."

"It's alright Jez. She is an IT professional. So we can't predict whenever they will become busy. When I get back home, come and see me one day."

"Sure buddy."

For a couple of minutes, Jezebel stayed beside him. And when it was time for her to go, she said good bye to him and went to talk with the doctor.


In the afternoon during her lunch break, Jezebel joined Daniel's family. Alice was present and she fed Jezebel with her favourite curry. Jezebel ate more and was filled with happiness. She promised them to come again that day after her duty time.

Jezebel received a message from Isha while coming out of the room.

"Jez HOD wants to see you. Go to him immediately after lunch."

She placed the phone back inside her pocket and rushed towards the doctor's cabin. He called her to discuss about the upcoming classes and about her case presentations. Jezebel answered him perfectly and he complimented her.

"Keep going like this. Good."

"Thank you sir."


"Hey Jez. Did you see Daniel? How is his condition?"asked Merlin.

"He is having head pain Merlin. But when I saw him in the morning, he vitals were normal."

"Thank God." said Merlin.

They both got ready to leave but Jezebel is heading towards Daniel. She was waiting for the visiting time to finally come but first she will be talking with his parents as usual. Not wasting a moment, she sauntered towards the room. While walking, she felt a vibration and realized that somebody is calling her. She attended the call.

"Hello Uncle?"

"Je... Jezebel... dear... please go and see our Daniel. I don't know what's wrong but the nurse came and said that he is not okay. The doctors are rushing inside and outside. I am scared child."

Jezebel didn't wait for another response. She ran towards the ICU and saw Daniel's friends. They saw her coming.

"What happened?" She was panting heavily.

"The nurse said that he is not okay. Suddenly his heart rate and pressure came down. Can you go inside and see?"


She rushed inside the ICU not minding whether she will get scolding or not. Her mind was occupied with Daniel only. She wants to see him now at any cost. One nurse restricted her from entering inside.

"Please let me in. I just want to see..."

"Sorry senior doctors are there. You can't enter now."

Jezebel cursed under her breath and gazed at the group of people surrounding Daniel's bed. She realised that a doctor is giving him CPR and her heartbeat increased seeing the view in front of her.

"Please God...Save my Daniel. For me. For his loved ones." Jezebel closed her eyes and let out the tears flow through her face. Jezebel started to shiver and continued her prayers. She couldn't recognise anything the doctors were saying. She felt numb and closed her eyes again.

Suddenly she heard a loud beep sound from the monitor. Slowly with fear increasing each second, she opened her eyes and stared at the group of medical professionals in front of her who were standing with a hopeless face. That instant, one of them spoke up which Jezebel didn't wish to hear.

"Time of death 06:15pm."


Hey pals

✪How was the chapter?

✪This is the most traumatising chapter of this book. I know how my readers feel after reading the last line.

✪So here ends the journey of Daniel George.

✪What's your opinion on his character from the start?

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