Ch 8(?)- double goth?

647 20 65

lIkE sIxtY PErcENt sUrE


Alright onto the story now...


It has been a few weeks since Comic, Death, and Goth started staying with Erratum in this new multiverse and the other teacher had heard about Erratums nephew staying with him for a while, and they of course wanted to meet him.

So on one random Wednesday the teachers (mainly Ink, Geno, Nightmare, and Dream) made Erratum being goth to school. The other teachers also brought their kids to school, well if they didn't already go there. Ink and Error brought Gradient who is 7, Classic brought plum who is 2, Geno and reaper brought goth(oh wow we've got 2 goths now we need some nicknames up in this place) and raven; Goth is 4 and raven is 3. (Btw instead of a skeleton actually carrying children in This story skeletons just do this story's spell thing to combine magic and souls and whatnot to get a child... any monster can do this but this is the only way for skeletons to because they have no organs and stuff...)


I sat up on my bed and started to knit 'they finally did it...' I thought 'the staff made an unofficial bring your kid to work day.... Goth isn't even my kid and they made me bring him...' I hear my alarm go off, i stop the alarm and look down at what I have created; it was a doll of Asy, I feel my face heat up a tad but I quickly shake it off. I stand up and go get ready.

After about 20 minutes I leave my room to find Comic holding a Goth that Looks like he might explode from excitement, "You excited for school ya little terror?" I ask Goth and get an overly excited nod in return "well then if your papa would let go of you we can leave" I say glancing at comic.

"Well bro before you leave... make sure you keep an eye on him he like to explore new places and I will kill you if he gets hurt under your care." He glares at Me before giving him goth.

"Yeah yeah spare me the lecture bro, he won't be leaving the classroom much." I pause a second before looking at comic "you did tell him not to summon his scythe or use any type of magic right?" Comic sighed and said
"Of course I did. Doesn't mean he'll listen tho so you'll need to keep an eye out for that" I nod  and a soon after dust walks out of his room.
"Ready to go mr. Erratum?" Dust asks ready for the school day. I nod in response... little did we know that we were in for a real surprise at school...


No ones POV

Erratum walked into school with dust while carrying goth. It was currently 6:27(that's around half an hour after I normally wake up lol) Dust wanted to talk to a could teachers so that why he was there early, and well Erratum has to be there that early.

The teachers said that they would introduce the other teachers to the children that they brought during lunch so Erratum headed straight for his classroom and started preparing the days classes while also keeping his eye on Goth who apparently had a a habit of summoning his scythe whenever he was bored and tried to go reap the nearest almost dead thing, except his papa... he would never reap his papa...

Anyway around 20 minutes after Error had finished his paperwork the bell rang, Goth made the same mistake Erratum did on his first day and think there was danger, automatically summoned his scythe (wow this 4y/o has some trust issues...) but was Erratum calmed him down quickly enough so that none of his home room students saw the scythe, it was a close call but hey it adds drama sooo oof....

The students soon(666) started coming through the door to class and took their seats. They were wondering why there was a tiny child in the classroom.

What if Error came back? (Fgod Error story)*discontinued yet has been rewritten*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant