Ch 6- school?

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Best Street name lol

Anyway onto the story


Erratum was sitting at his desk prepping the work for class that day (is that what teachers do?) when the bell ring singling the beginning of class- which I'm skipping because I don't know how to write about a sewing class.... hahaha.... HeLp mE! Oh wow would you look at that it's lunch time......hehehe....


The bell rang for lunch and all the students left the classroom to go to lunch. A few minutes later Dust, Killer, Horror, and Blue arrived in the classroom because they eat lunch there nowadays because of all the cool stories Mr. Erratum tells. Today's story was about how midnight (nightmare) ate an Apple of Darkness that covered him in a black substance blocking out all good feelings, that is until he met his chosen family and boyfriend murderer(killer). The kids found it to be very sweet and thought that the two made a great a couple.

Soon after the story ended the bell rang to signal the end of the lunch period. The kids all waved goodbye to Mr. Erratum and went to their next class.

A few periods later later and it was the last period of the day and the students the had sewing that period were practically buzzing with excitement about one, having their favorite teacher last and two, they almost get to go home. They were making blankets today. And when Erratum Announced that they were making blackness today the excitement almost doubled!

"Alright everyone before we start please remember no stabbing anyone with the needles, Don't take the needles outside the classroom, And please only use the Materials that are provided in the classroom." Erratum explains the last big aimed at a particular purple and black clad skeleton that's likes to sew tiny rubber chickens on his project. "Now that the rules have been laid everyone can grab their materials and get started! And please don't forget that you can always ask me for help. If you call I will hear it." The children all grab their respective materials the. Went to their work stations and well got to work.

"Ughh!" PJ groan he chose a particular design that he thought would be easy to do... it was actually pretty difficult to do. He was trying to make a blanket with four geometrical designs but was having difficulty switching between the colors. Mr. Erratum saw PJ being frustrated and came over to help him.

"Would you like some help PJ?" erratum asked PJ from behind in a calm voice. PJ jumps a bit then gives a small nod. Well for this particular design you'll need to-" Erratum then proceeds to help PJ on his blanket and fix some of the earlier stitches that PJ hadn't done the perfect job on.

"Thank you Mr. Erratum"

"Of course PJ. You are MY student so I love helping you" Erratum then proceeds to sit back behind his desk and make some puppets. By the end of class he made the Afterdeath family, Nightmare, and took away 25 tiny rubber chickens from Epic so overall class was pretty successful.

"Alright everyone that bell signals the end of school and you are all dismissed I hope you have a great rest of your day!" The students all said their varying array of goodbyes and left except Epic who wanted his chickens back.

Blah blah blah random time skip to when Erratum got home because my mouth is dying and I don't wanna right paperwork ;-;

When Erratum got home he was greeted by a bone-crushing hug from Asy, a much weaker hug from Comic, and a slight wave from Death, Dust was doing his homework. "Hey As! H-How are you?"

"I'm doing AMAZING! They haven't acted up in months Erra!" Asy replied letting Erratum go. Comic left as well and stood next to Death. Asy was buzzing with excitement about the news and Erratum got a huge smile on his face

"That's great Asy! I'm so proud of you!" He hugs Asy again, as they are used to each other so Erratum doesn't Crash at his touch, Asy hugs back a light blush noticeable on both of their faces. When the two pull apart comic asks

"What hasn't acted up?"

"My old habits" Asy replies looking down slightly. Comic just looks even more confused.

Erratum sighs and leads them all to the couch "maybe it would be better to just explain how me and Asy met..."



This was the most stressful chapter so far ...

And you might be confused by what I meant by my mouth hurting... well I just got braces yesterday? Is it morning yet? Yeah yesterday morning, and my mouth just started hurting sooooo oof...

And I would like to thank cringemaster905 for helping me again I really appreciate it ^.^
As they not only helped with this story but also helped me slow my breathing and stop hyperventilating...(I'm pretty sure they didn't know that they did the last bit lol)

Anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter

But until next time!



What if Error came back? (Fgod Error story)*discontinued yet has been rewritten*Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя