I'm what?

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Lillie's POV

When I became conscious I felt really warm, like I was being wrapped in millions of blankets. Too warm. Need air. I groaned and moved around trying to get the blankets to come off of my warm body. I felt hands take the blankets off of me. Mmm. Cool air kissed my warm skin. I felt warm lips on my forehead. I slowly opened my eyes. My eye lids felt like there was weights on top of my eye lids, I closed them and then opened them slowly. It was a bit blurry from barely waking up. I groaned from the intense of light. I looked over to my side to see a gorgeous face. A smile slowly grew on my lips.


"Hi", I whispered. My voice sounded like it was cracked or croaked. He smiled at me lovingly.

"Hi baby girl", he said kissing my forehead again

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"Hi baby girl", he said kissing my forehead again. I smiled and relished the feeling of his lips on my skin. He pulled back slowly. I smiled and laid a hand on his cheek, which he leaned into. "My bunny teeth", I said smiling softly. He chuckled softly. "I love you so much baby girl", he whispered to me. I smiled feeling the love from our bond. "I love you too Der, so much", I whispered back to him.

He took my hand from his cheek and kissed the back of my knuckles. He rubbed his thumb over the knuckles. "We were so worried about you baby girl, you wouldn't wake up", he said, I could hear the worry laced in his voice. But what did he mean I wouldn't wake up? What happened? "What happened Der?", I asked him. He sighed. "When you were on your walk in the woods, apparently you found a little waterfall and well you passed out for some reason, you ended up getting really sick, we brought you back and covered you in blankets, I was so worried about you, I'm so glad the doctor was able to help you, even though I don't like the man for what he did to you", he said.

I let everything sink in for a second. Sickness. Passing out. Doctor.

I gasped.

Carlisle's here and so are the others.

I got out of my bed and tried to walk towards the door. They need to leave. Like now. I won't let them ruin my life, not again. Not ever again. But as I was about to grab the handle of the door I felt Derek's arms wrap around me softly, pulling me backwards. I struggled, I didn't want them here. "I don't want them here, I don't want them here, they've hurt me before, I don't know if they'll try to hurt you, and hell if they try, I'll rip them apart myself", I said growling under my breath. I was brought closer to him. I could hear and feel his breathing on my neck. "Shhh, it's okay, they can't hurt you or anyone anymore, they're not here to hurt anyone, I'll make sure of it, but as of now you need to rest, your still sick baby and I don't want you to get worse, now come here and we can cuddle", he said whispering in my ear softly and soothingly. I growled under my breath, but then sighed. I nodded and turned to him and just let myself fall into his arms. He chuckled and picked me up in his arms. He walked us back over to the bed. He laid us down. He didn't put any blankets around us, I mean look at him! He's the damn blanket, even if I was warm earlier I couldn't get enough of him. He smelt so nice. The touch of him felt so nice. I couldn't get enough of him. So I basically became a kola. I wouldn't let go for anything.

I felt his fingers pressing light circles into my belly. Which felt really good. I purred softly. I felt him nuzzle against my head. It felt so good.

"You'll be a great mother baby girl", he said. I didn't understand what he meant for a second. My head was foggy. But once he said mother I snapped out of it. I looked up at him in shock and surprise and also disbelief. "What?", I asked him. He smiled at me. He placed his whole hand on my growing stomach. "Your carrying a baby, we just found out a couple days ago", he said kissing my forehead.

I let it go through my head. Baby, carrying, mother.

The cravings, the mood swings, the extra weight.

I was pregnant.

I couldn't believe it.

I was pregnant!

I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes. But these were tears of happiness.

I was going to be a mother!

A smile grew on my lips. A big smile.

"B-But how?", I asked him. "Klaus, he's half werewolf remember", he said. I raised an eyebrow. "But hows that possible? Hayley should have had his baby when they first did it, but it wasn't his", I said. I felt him tighten his hold on me. "Maybe it didn't take with her, maybe it's because your his soulmate and he's yours, or maybe because it's fate", he said smiling at me. I smiled at him. I cupped his cheeks and kissed him. He cupped the back of my head and kissed me back softly, but passionately and lovingly.

We pulled back, I was breathless. I couldn't believe it. I was a mother. I was going to have a baby! I smiled a big smile. "We're pregnant, we're going to have a baby, we're going to be a family, this baby is just as much as yours as it is his, I don't care if it's blood or not, your going to be a daddy too Derek and they're going to love you no matter what, they're going to love you as much as I love you, I just know it, I love you", I said pecking his lips. He smiled in the kiss and kissed me back. He pulled back and placed his hand back on my stomach. I smiled at the astonished look on his face. I giggled. "This is going to be my pup?", he asked looking at me. I smiled wide. "Sure is baby. And they're going to love you", I said lovingly. He smiled and attacked me with kisses. I squealed and laughed as his stubble tickled my face.

I couldn't believe it!

I was going to be a mother!

I'm going to have a baby!

I couldn't be happier!

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