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Two days later

Lillie's POV

I was so bored and wanted to go back to the castle, I wanted to go back to my room and read, but Didyme thought it would be a good idea to go out and get some fresh air and buy things my eye caught onto. And this was at night, so both us girls could shop. I had my hood up, because Jesus H. Christ was it cold!

I looked at everything, nothing caught my eye. I was bored and I wanted to take a nice bath or shower and lay down and read. Is that so hard to ask for?! I sighed.

I looked at the necklaces. They were so pretty. Some of them reminded me of them. I reached and touched one of them. It reminded me Becka. I sighed. I missed her so much. If I had the guts and she was here right now, I would march up to her and kiss her. But I'm a fucking chicken shit and she's not here. I'm meant to always be alone, it's fate, just like I predicted. I didn't have to be a vision seer to know that.

It's called fate for a reason.

Loneliness was okay sometimes, but I would love to have some company sometimes. And everyday it feels like I'm missing something. And I know exactly what that something is. I just don't have to guts to go to them and say 'hey I'm alive group hug?' Yeah that would go swimmingly. They would probably wouldn't believe me. Or I would be dead. Again. Hooray! Damn I got depressing over the few months. Typical me.

I sighed again. "Pretty huh?", I heard a familiar voice say behind me. My eyes widened. No. No. No! No. No! No! Just No! Please!

It can't be. It can't be him.

I used my new power I found out I could do. I changed my facial features, except for my eyes, I never could change them. I held in a sigh before turning around to look at him. And there he was.


It was really him. In all his beautiful glory. My eyes went to his neck. The necklace rested around his neck. The one I had given him all so long ago. Then my eyes found the small bite mark on his neck. Wait? He stopped covering it?

But didn't he now have a lover, it's from his lover isn't it, huh? It wasn't my mark, it was from another. The thought of that made my heart burn from the inside. I clenched my eyes and flinched, almost falling over.

I felt his hands on me. Helping me stand up. "Darling? Are you alright?", he asked me. His touch felt so good, but it had been to long and I longed for more of his touch. I wanted more of his touch. Please. No. Don't.

He has a lover that might be watching and might get jealous, I wasn't ready to die at the hand of another lover of my ex mates.

I opened my eyes to look into his eyes. His beautiful eyes. They looked tired, sad, heartbroken, and looked like they haven't seen a good days sleep.


I used everything in me, to not reach up and touch his face. I wanted to feel his smooth skin on my finger tips, I wanted to get on my tippy toes and kiss his lips one last time. I wanted to be his again. But I can't. I'll never be able to be ever again. He had moved on. Which hurt me again. But I made sure he didn't see that.

I sighed one last time. I pushed myself out of his arms. "I'm fine, thank you sir", I said. My voice almost trembling. I started to walk away. Again. I was walking away from the love of my life and he didn't even know it was me. It killed me in ways that shouldn't be possible, and yet they were. As I got to a good distance. I turned back to myself. I turned around to see if he was still there. And he was. He was now looking into my eyes. Oh shit! He looked to be In shock and in disbelief. Think Lillie! Think! God damn it!

As the crowd grew heavier, I hid in the crowd, disappearing as one person walked past me. Making as it looked as if he was seeing things. I pulled my hood back up, so he wouldn't catch on. I needed to get back to the castle, I just had to find Didyme first.

It took me a minute to find her. She was making her way towards me. I basically ran my way towards her. My frantic eyes filled with horror and fear.

"He's here, I ran into him, he's here", I said to quick.

She put her hands on my shoulders. "Dear, you got to calm down, show down and tell me", she said softly and soothingly. I sighed and calmed down. I hesitated before talking. "Elijah's here, I don't know why he's here, why is he here, he shouldn't be here, he's probably with his new lover, oh god is punishing me for some reason, please can we just go back to the castle", I said. I needed to go back and never come outside again.

She looked at me sadly, I don't know why, but I didn't care, I needed to get back to the castle, like now. Right fucking now!

I grabbed her arm. "Let's go, lets go!", I said loudly. She nodded her head and sighed. She walked with me back to the castle. I looked around frantically, so I didn't run into any more of them. I didn't need this today. Nope! Nope! Nope! I should have never agreed to come out today.

I could see the clock tower from here, oh thank god! I almost basically ran there. Once I was close to the door. I ran inside and ran down the halls. Into the secret halls, and into the hallway that would lead me to my room. Once I got to my room, I opened it, and I slammed it shut. I ran into the bathroom. Stripped myself of my clothes and turned on the bath water. Making sure the water wasn't too warm or too cold. Once it was filled. I put light bubbles and bath salts. I dipped a foot in, and sighed as I felt the perfect amount of warm. I put the rest of my body into the tub. My back resting against the tub. I sighed in relaxation. I closed my eyes and just sat back.

Then my eyes widened open. Why the fuck was he here?! And were the others with him?! Oh lord up in heaven! What the fuck!

Third person POV

Elijah didn't have the heart, to tell his siblings, what he had seen, because he would hurt them, like it did him. He had seen her again. He had been seeing her for the past few months now. But she's not here, she's not, she's gone and it's his fault. He would never be able to touch her, never be able to inhale her scent, to feel her hair tickle his face, to kiss those beautiful lips she had. To hear her beautiful laugh and see her beautiful smile.

He had never taken the necklace off, never. He never would. And he stopped covering the small bite mark on his neck. In honor of her, in the memory of that he was hers, doing what he should have done way before. He would do anything to just see her again and hold her in his arms one last time. Just one last time. Just to be able to tell her he loved her. To know she knew that he loved her. He will always love her, and he would never move on. His heart and soul was hers. It belonged to her. It always will belong to her. He would have to wait a long time before he was reunited with her. But it was punishment, to live on the earth without her. It was punishment to not be with her.

His Lillie.

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