CH. 54 It's been good

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CH. 54 It's been good

(Melanie POV)

Things have been getting back to normal; Dalton has been going back to work at the restaurant, and I have been getting back to normal with everything as well.

The nightmares were coming to an end, though, the first day the nightmare started was the night of the day the girls and I were abducted, the nightmares had started, but luckily they only lasted three days.

I also didn't hide them from Dalton, we spoke about them, and he helped me those three nights, and my heart burst with so much love for my husband.

I am truly a lucky person to have such a caring and amazing husband.

We've also been attending the trial, and today was the day where they were going to convict the bastard on either being innocent, which is highly unlikely I hope or guilty.

Today was also the day I was going to tell everyone about everything else regarding what happened, although Dalton knew, the idea of him pretending he didn't know was still in place.

It was strange, sitting in the courtroom when the amount of torture you have gone through was being told and broadcasted in the courtroom while also being video recorded.

Dalton was next to me, everyone that has been impacted by this horrible monster was in the court. Including the families of the people he has killed. We all had this monster in common, and I'm sure we all wanted him to pay for what he's done.

Now that I have all my memories back, I remember everything.

Everything he's done to me, the pain and suffering he's put me, the people around me, and my unborn dead child that I had lost through.

I wrapped my arms around my stomach.

I would know for a fact if we had not been found. I would have lost this baby as well.

I felt Dalton took my hand and squeezed it.

I let out a breath that I didn't even know I was holding.

Just having my husband nearby brings me relief.

He's truly my other half.

I brought his hand to my lips and kissed it; this is why we were pregnant with another baby.

"Has the jury reached a verdict?' The judge, who sat through the whole trail, who looked disturbed when everything was discussed, including the evidence and the torture the monster had done to us, the same judge who was going to have the final say of words.

This was finally almost over; it's been two months already. I was showing, I've had my memories back for two months, and I am appreciating and loving each moment.

"We the jury in The State of _______ , find the defendant guilty of the charge of multiple counts of first-degree murder, endless counts of abduction-" I stopped listening to the juror.

Tears were coming out of my eyes.

He's been found guilty.

He's going to be locked up in prison.

He can't hurt us anymore.

He can't hurt anyone anymore.

Tiara squeezed my other hand. We were sitting on the same row; her, me, Dalton, Chris, and Kassie.

This wasn't an easy trial to sit through the jurors. I could see that it was going to impact them, and that was something that did make me feel bad; I didn't want other people to get nightmares, especially them having nightmares about our pain.

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