Ch. 15. Oh boy, a plan

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CH. 15 Oh Boy, a plan

(Melanie POV)

We needed a plan, we needed to come up with something quick because if we didn't come up with something that could throw this sicko off of his game or at least something that could catch him or give us little details who he might be.

Then we have no advantages, we have no way of protecting ourselves. I for one want to protect myself.

I may not remember anything but I knew that I was a fighter and I was going to fight.

The girls and I were talking about a plan, we needed to make a plan because the monster who is playing games with us, he has a plan. A plan that we don't know about so what we needed was a plan also.

"So you came up with the idea of trapping him, what are we going to trap him with or how are we going to do it?" Tiara asked me. There is one thing, an idea that pop in my head that he would definitely fall for.

It was dangerous, it was something that we would really have to think about.

I looked at the girls and Kassie eyes widen, she probably already knew what I was thinking about. "You want one of us to be bait?" She said and Tiara's eyes widen.

She looked at me as if she couldn't believe her own sister would come up with something like that.

"Nope, not going to happen," Tiara said crossing her arms and I couldn't blame her.

I mean this is a psychopath we're talking about. a person who shouldn't even be seen as a monster but a something that was even considered worse than a monster. Heck, I don't even think the real monsters are what these sick psychopath humans are.

"Well, it was one of the things that I came up with but I knew you guys would say no," I said, even though eventually I knew we would agree with it later on.

I mean, we had no other choice.

"Listen, I was crazy enough before almost coming up to him face to face a couple of times. I'm not trying to actually do it." Kassie said and Tiara nodded.

"Melanie this isn't Scooby Doo. We don't know what he has up his sleeves." Tiara said.

I was mad, not at my sister or Kassie but on the fact that I knew what Scooby Doo was but I can't remember anything about myself, my family and what I've gone through.

I just hated that.

"He wanted us to see the dead body, that part is obvious. He also wanted us to know that he was coming for us." Kassie said and I nodded my head.

"Teah, but here's the thing. This freak is the type of sicko that we don't know if he's going to come for us today or in a couple of days." Tiara said.

"Don't forget what you told us, Kassie, that he had the chance to take you plenty of times but instead he was just killing people and making you more scared. What if he's just doing the same thing again." Tiara said.

"More reason to trap him then. A lot of people have died because of him and I can't just let that keep happening. I feel so guilty especially knowing that he's been doing that to people just to get to me or to make me scared. He's playing a game, we need to get him and plus he has something that belongs to me." What Kassie said definitely caught Tiara and my attention.

"What did he take?" Tiara asked, I looked at her face and noticed that she wasn't even surprised to what Kassie had said which led me to know that the sicko had done the same to us.

"What did he take?" Tiara asked Kassie let out a sigh. "Something really important that I will do anything for." She said and Tiara nodded her head slowly with an understanding look.

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