CH. 42 Shocking

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CH. 42 Shocking

(Melanie POV)

"Wait, you had someone that was taken from you by someone who is most likely in the same field or works in the same place as you and you still haven't gone crazy?" Kassie asked.

Agent Bones looked at me, it didn't take someone who had memories to know what that looked mean.

That looked he gave me was saying that he has gone crazy, that most likely was someone who got to witness that.

"Why did the FBI keep this hush-hush?" Derek asked.

"They didn't want the world to know, especially something like that which can lead to them finding out the psychopath who's doing all of this is actually part of the FBI." Agent's bones said.

The look of disgust and sadness on his face was seen, it made my heart clenched seeing that.

"That's fucking horrible. Just to save face?! They're holding so many secrets just to not show that they're actually unable to figure it out." Kassie said.

"The psychopath knows that he's taken drastic measures to make sure that his identity isn't revealed. He knows how to cover his trace so no one would be able to find him and he knows what to do to make sure that he is always ahead of everyone." Agent Bones said.

"Does anyone you know, fit that profile?" Kassie asked.

I blocked out what they were talking about for a bit

Thinking to myself, about who the suspect could be.

This is someone who felt like he could easily be able to hide this, he felt like he was someone who was able to make this disappear, that this wouldn't be hard for him to hide.

Was someone with power? Yes, but it's not that type of power I think everyone is thinking he has.

It has to be a role where he's able to make things disappear, but still be able to see things, still, be able to have control over something.

I was standing next to Tiara, and we were looking at Kassie who was looking through a folder that had pictures in it.

That's when Kassie suggested we go to the FBI.

I shook my head and zoomed back into the conversation.

"It's worth a try, but I also think maybe we just need to go to the FBI headquarters, where the person will be to see if anyone will be ticked off or tick us off," Kassie said.

"You think it's a smart idea to walk into his nest?" Derek asked, with a disbelief look on his face.

Couldn't blame him, Kassie was suggesting we go into the FBI headquarters, where the suspect was most likely will be. The advantage he has, is we don't know who he is.


"It's our best option, if not. He'll still be out there, untouchable. Besides, we won't be going there alone." Tiara said.

Dalton, wouldn't like this at all. Not one bit.

"What would the excuse be?" I asked wondering.

"We lie," Kassie said.

My eyes widen....

"We tell them that we know who it is." She said.

"And we make sure everyone in the FBI hears it." She said.

"Okay, Kassie you're crazy," Tiara said.

"I know, but we have no other choice," Kassie said.

"You're trying to drag him out." Agent Bones said.

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