CH. 47 I don't trust everyone

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CH. 47 I don't trust everyone

(Dalton POV)

It was the next day; we had dinner with our parents and Penelope.

It was a lovely night, even funny with Melanie, and My mom started retelling stories that were embarrassing to Melanie and me.

Watching Melanie's expression when her mother told her the embarrassing stories that will pop in her head about her made me laugh at Melanie's reactions.

She looked mortified.

It was a comfortable night, and when our parents left, we had a movie night in our bedroom with our daughter.

One by one, I watch them fall asleep.

Surprisingly, Penelope fought her sleep, but it soon won and overpowered her.

I had my two favorite girls in my arms, and of course, I fell asleep comfortably.

It's my day now that I am worried about, we were at the FBI headquarters.

Did I feel comfortable about being here? No, no, I did not.

I spoke to Chris about it, and he didn't feel comfortable with it either, but it did put me at ease that he would be able to track Kassie down if anything were to happen to them.

The fact that the creature that caused my family so much pain, took the love of my life away from me and tortured her was not far from us right now made my skin crawl.

We were in front of the team members now.

"It's nice to see you, ladies, again." One of the agents said as he shook the girl's hands.

I watch Tiara roll her eyes, and I held back a chuckle, my sister in law was a firecracker.

It took me a month to earn her trust, and it was worth it.

She's an amazing sister in law and it fucking pains me that I couldn't protect Melanie and her; it pains me that her boyfriend was taken from her.

"I'm sure you remember us." One of the agents said.

"I'm sure you remember us too," Tiara said, causing the agent eyes to widen, he smiled softly.

The other agent spoke.

"Of course, it would be hard to forget you, Miss." The agent said.

Before Tiara could say anything feisty, Melanie spoke.

"Do you guys have any lead on the case." My wife asked.

My attention turned to hers, she was looking at her surroundings, and I could tell that the wheels in her head were turning.

I look from her to the agents, and by the look that was on their faces, the question was answered. They had no idea who he was still, and they had no updates that they can even give us.

If this guy couldn't be found out by the FBI, then that meant he is pretty good at hiding,  insane as well because he is also an FBI agent.

This was someone who just likes them, working for the FBI and yet they couldn't figure out who he was like.

It's like having someone in your house, and you can't find them, but yet they keep messing things up.

"Wow, how groovy is that?" Tiara said, in a sarcastic tone.

The director nodded his head slowly, with an understanding look on his face. "We've all been working extremely hard on it; we have every hand on deck, including our technical analysis; we are working hard to get this person." The Director said.

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