Ch.7 It's what I need

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Ch. 7 It's what I need

(Melanie POV)

His eyes widen as I said the words I said.

"Yes please," I said.

It was true, I did need a bedtime story. A grown woman asking for a bedtime story must sound hilarious but I simply couldn't fall asleep.

I tried but I just couldn't, it was like my mind didn't want to take a break from the day, I mean I couldn't blame it. It was finally awoken from a long sleep so it wanted to be up, to think about everything and wandered about the outcomes.

"Is that so?" He asked staring at me with that look, a look that had me wondering what was going through his mind.

"Yes, if you're too tired too it's fine. I just couldn't sleep and there's a lot of things going through my mind right now. I don't want to be a bother." I replied making my way back to where I was sitting when I was eating the leftovers.

I did figure something else about myself. I apparently love leftovers.

"No, it's fine. I don't mind reading you a bedtime story. It's actually pretty cute." He said and I felt my face was getting hot again.

Why does that happen around him? To be quite honest, it was starting to annoy me just a little bit especially since he can actually notice because he had an advantage. He knew Melanie, he knew me and I didn't know who I was at all.

There was already things that I did that he pointed out were things I had a habit of doing and I didn't even know I was doing them until he pointed them out.

"Do you want me to tell you the same bedtime story I just told Penelope?" he asked me and I happen to have quickly shooked my head.

I looked at him and noticed he had a sad look on his face which he tried to cover up but it was already seen by me.

"Another night for sure, this is just overwhelming and it bothers me that I can't remember anything and I know it's also not easy for you. I don't want you to find yourself telling your wife how you two met tonight. You've obviously have been through a lot and I know this was not what you were expecting when you got that phone call. There's only so much a person can take and handle." I told him.

He stared at me as if he was trying to figure something out.

"I wouldn't have minded at all but I get what you're saying." He said and I nodded my head.

"So you made my favorite huh?" I asked him and he gave me a small smile.

"It was the least that I could do, glad you like it so much that you had to come downstairs for the leftovers. Had to catch you here you little sneaky mouse." He said and I let out a laugh.

"To be honest, if you didn't catch me down here I probably would have eaten the whole thing while being deep in my thoughts not paying attention to how much I ate then in the Morning you would have noticed that there was no longer any more leftovers," I told him smiling.

He shook his head, letting out a laugh that had shivers running down my body.

"I know and I don't put that past you at all, not one bit." He said.

It honestly took me off guard how the simple things about this man could have my body reacting and feeling the way it did.

How my mind could think about different thoughts about him that could have any person blushing.

It just proves that Melanie, that I was and most likely still am in love with this man. Big time.

"I was actually planning to make all your favorite meals and desserts this week so you're completely in for a treat." He said smiling at me.

He honestly has a great smile.

"Is that so, well I am looking forward to it," I told him, which was the truth. I was actually feeling quite excited about the meals he had planned to make for me. It was like a surprise, an even more huge of a surprise because I had no idea what my favorite meals and desserts were. Only he did and the fact that he was planning on making them for me just to give me that simple joy made it going to feel extra special.

"You really enjoy cooking huh?" I asked him, curious because I wanted to know more about it.

I know it was obvious he did, the way the kitchen looked and also the way he spoke about how he had my meals plan and him looking forward to cooking them.

He moved his head to the side.

"Ah, curious to know more about me huh my little mouse. Yeah, I love cooking. I enjoy doing it and it's a huge passion of mine. I tell my stories and work through my cooking." He said and I found my heart beating extremely fast to when he called me his little mouse.

Was that a pet name that I was familiar with, it had to be.

My body was reacting to it and the way it floated out of his mouth like it was an everyday thing, which let me knew that it was a pet name that was used all the time towards me.

I wanted to know why, why was my pet name little mouse. I wanted to know how he ended up knowing my favorite meals and desserts. Did I tell him? Did we go on dates and he figured them out himself or did he end up cooking them for me one day and I told him how I felt about the meals that he made letting him know how much I loved them.

I stared at the man in front of me, he knew me but I didn't know him and I happened to find myself wanting to know more about him.

What is his favorite movie? favorite food? his dislikes, his likes, what he can't go a day without and what he truly loves. I wanted to know all of these things, I wanted to know things about the person who knew me the most. Who knew Melanie the most.

A lot was going through my mind this very moment but it led me to the only thing I knew I wanted to talk about the most.

"I want to get to know you, I want to know you. So if you could tell me things about you. That would be great." I said.

He looked at me, shock, I was wondering if it was something that I shouldn't have asked. Maybe it was something I should have thought about extremely well before I asked him the question but the smile on his face erased those thoughts away.

"Good, because I want to tell you everything too."

(*Kassandra Speaks*)

Awww, well see Melanie wants to get to know her husband. I could understand how they both must be feeling about the situation that they happen to find themselves in. What do you think? think they will get through it? I can see Melanie finally throwing Dalton a bone. Will see how they progress. Give this chapter a "Vote", "Comment", & "Share" I'll see you in the next chapter. Until then, drink some tea Dolls.


- Kassandra Vivu

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