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Sungyoon and Bomin walked together towards the rollercoaster they wanted to ride. Bomin looked at Sungyoon's hand. He wanted to hold it. He subtly moved his hand closer to Sungyoon's. He was about to hold it until Sungyoon pointed at the rollercoaster. "Let's ride that one!",Sungyoon said rushing towards it. Bomin rubbed the back of his neck still shy about what he was about to do.

They both got on it and the staff started it when all the seats were full. The staff started it and it began to move. Sungyoon's tummy felt weird, like butterflies were trying to escape his stomach and he didn't know if it was because of Bomin or the ride. The rollercoaster went up and they all were excited. It soon dropped and everyone started screaming. Sungyoon was afraid and Bomin was to since he had Acrophobia(fear of heights). Sungyoon shut his eyes tight and held on to the nearest thing he could reach, which was Bomin. Bomin began blushing when Sungyoon held onto him.

Sungyoon was just focused on the speed of the rollercoaster. Bomin froze he didn't know what to do and surprisingly it wasn't because of the ride. The rollercoaster finally stopped at the spot they entered in and everyone got off. Sungyoon then opened his eyes, he realized he had been hugging Bomin the entire time. Sungyoon's face turned as red as a rose. Bomin got off and held out a hand for Sungyoon so he could get out.

Sungyoon grabbed Bomin's hand and walked out of the ride. They began to walk away from the rollercoaster but Bomin didn't let go of Sungyoon's hand. Bomin celebrated quietly in his head as Sungyoon just looked down at their hands blushing. Then suddenly Bomin's phone ranged. Bomin used his other hand to reach into his pocket to get out his phone. "Hello",Bomin said. "Bomin-ah are you still with Sunyoon?",Daeyeol asked over the phone. "Yeah why?", Bomin said. "Okay good meet us at the cotton candy stand",Daeyeol answered. "Alright were coming",Bomin said and then hanged up.

"Yay Cotton candy!",Sungyoon shouted in joy as soon as Bomin hanged up. Bomin slightly smiled at Sungyoon and then thwy walked towards the Cotton candy Stand still hand in hand(heh heh that rhymed). Everyone was there except Donghyun and Seungmin. "Hey guys",Bomin said and everyone looked their way. As soon as Jaehyun saw them he looked at their hands. "OoOooh you guys are holding hands",Jaehyun said. Bomin and Sungyoon quickly stopped holding hands and looked away avoiding eye contact.

"OOoooooh what happened huh?",Youngtaek said as Bomin and Sungyoon approached them. "Nothing Nothing", Sungyoon said shyly. "Where are Donghyun and Seungmin?", Bomin asked changing the subject. "I don't know I called them earlier but-",Daeyeol said but soon heard two people fighting. "Never mind they're right there",Daeyeol said pointing behind Bomin and Sungyoon. Donghyun and Seungmin were yelling at each other as they walked towards the others.

"YOU GOT US LOST IDIOT!",Seungmin yelled at Donghyun. "NO I WAS TAKING A SHORT CUT!",Donghyun yelled back. "YEAH SURE KEEP TELLING YOURSELF THAT!",Seungmin yelled. "Yah you two stop fighting like toddlers",Daeyeol scolded. "See told you we shouldn't have out them together Jibeom said. "Guys tell Seungmin hyung I'm right",Donghyun said. "No, tell Donghyun I'm right",Seungmin said. "You guys are both wrong now can we just get cotton candy",Jangjun said. "Fine",Donghyun said. "Fine only because I want Cotton candy",Seungmin said.

They all got cotton candy and ate it calmly. It was getting late and so they decided to go home. Daeyeol dropped everyone off and then drove off to his home with his roommates. Bomin and Sungyoon entered their apartment and as soon as they entered they saw Ella by the door. She looked kinda sad. "Hey should we get Ella a friend",Sungyoon asked. "Yeah she seems lonely",Bomin answered. "Alright lets go get her one tomorrow. "Okay", Sungyoon said.

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