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Sungyoon didn't leave his room he was to embarrassed about what happened. When Bomin knocked on the door Sungyoon didn't answer. In fact Sungyoon didn't move a muscle off his bed. He locked his bedroom door to. Bomin had no choice but to just leave him alone. Bomin was sitting on the sofa scrolling through his phone when there was a knock at the door. Bomin was confused but got up to open it. He opened it and at the door stood a man about Bomin's height. "Do you need anything?",Bomin asked the man. "I'm here for Sungyoon, he told me he wanted me to come over",The man said. Bomin was confused. He thought Sungyoon wanted to be alone.

Then Sungyoon's bedroom door opened. "Jaehyun!", Sungyoon yelled as he rushed towards Jaehyun completely ignoring Bomin. "He's not even sparing a glance at me!",Bomin thought angrily. "Hey Sungyoon uh.. who is this?",Jaehyun said pointing at Bomin. "This is my roommate Bomin, now c'mon", Sungyoon said dragging Jaehyun into his room. When the door closed Bomin went up to the door and placed his ear on it trying to listen to their conversation. "What happened it looks like you were crying",Jaehyun said looking at Sungyoon. "Well thats why I called you here, I just needed someone to talk to", Sungyoon said and Jaehyun looked at him sincerely. "Don't worry I told you I'd always be there for you",Jaehyun said.

Bomin couldn't here a thing. He was frustrated. "Why would he let him in but not me!?",Bomin thought as he pouted. He changed into some new clothes after showering and knew he had to get Sungyoon. They had missed enough days of work and he didn't want to get Sungyoon or himself fired. He knocked on Sungyoon's door. "Go away", Sungyoon yelled and Bomin sighed. Bomin opened the door since he knew Sungyoon didn't lock it. Jaehyun and Sungyoon looked up at him. "We have to go to work, Donghyun is sick and Joochan can't take on the shifts alone. "Alright Alright", Sungyoon said getting up and going into the bathroom. "I think you should leave",Bomin said to Jaehyun.

"But he needs me", Jaehyun said. "Didn't you just here we have to go to work",Bomin replied. "Fine, Bye Sungyoon hyung!",Jaehyun yelled. "Bye Jaehyun get home safely!",Sungyoon yelled back. Jaehyun smiled then left the apartment. When Sungyoon came out his hair was still a bit wet. "You didn't dry your hair all the way",Bomin said noticing. "It's fine", Sungyoon said grabbing the apartment keys. "No its not you could get sick",Bomin said taking a towel and placing it on Sungyoon's head before drying it. "Hey!",Sungyoon said annoyed.

"Lets go we will be late",Bomin said. "How the hell is he always calm",Sungyoon thought. Once they left they crossed the street to the cafe. "Finally there you are",Joochan said when Bomin and Sungyoon entered the cafe. "How is Donghyun?", Sungyoon asked. "Seungmin hyung is taking care of him",Joochan replied. "Ah okay", Sungyoon said and Bomin and him went behind the counter. Sungyoon had bags under his eyes and his eyes were red so Bomin thought he had been crying while talking to Jaehyun.

After work they went home together but Sungyoon didn't even look at Bomin a bit. "Are you mad at me?",Bomin asked as they entered the apartment. Sungyoon didn't say anything. "So you are?",Bomin said. "Will you shut up", Sungyoon said. "Finally you talked to me",Bomin said. "Shut your cocky ass up",Sungyoon replied and went into his room. Bomin furrowed his eyebrows. "WHEN IS HE ACTUALLY GOING TO ACCEPT ME!?",Bomin yelled in his mind. He just wanted a good relationship with his roommate.

Bomin then started cooking. "He'll definitely come out of his room for dinner he hasn't eaten all day",Bomin thought. Sungyoon didn't however come out of his room. Bomin went to Sungyoon's room and knocked on his door. "Stop being stubborn and come eat!",Bomin shouted while knocking. Then Sungyoon opened the door with an annoyed expression. "Good grief you never leave me alone",Sungyoon said sitting down at the table. Bomin smiled at the others cooperation. "Here, I made ramen",Bomin said placing a bowl of Ramen in front of Sungyoon. "Thanks..",Sungyoon muttered. "What was that?",Bomin teased. "I said thank you god damnit!",Sungyoon said staring at the ramen.

"Your welcome~",Bomin said. "Your so cocky geez", Sungyoon said. "Probably because of your gayness",Sungyoon said. "I'll pretend I never heard that",Bomin replied. Sungyoon finished the ramen and washed his dish. "Have a good night",Bomin said opening his bedroom door. "Whatever",Sungyoon replied putting the bowl on the rack.

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