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Sungyoon took a quick shower and also washed Bomin's clothes. When he got out he dried his hair and folded Bomin's clothes. "Oh Bomin",Sungyoon said as he saw Bomin enter the room. "Here you go I washed your clothes thanks again",Sungyoon said handing Bomin the clothes. "No problem are you sure your alright though?",Bomin asked. "Yep I'm fine, its not uncommon to encounter a rude customer",Sungyoon said. "thanks for the tip then",Bomin said smiling. "Your welcome",Sungyoon said ruffling the younger's head.  "Do you need anything? I'm going to get some groceries",Bomin said. "Nope I'm fine", Sungyoon said. "Alright then I'm leaving now",Bomin said and Sungyoon waved to him before he left the room. As soon as Bomin shut the bedroom door Sungyoon got out his phone. And when he knew Bomin was not in the house anymore he called Jangjun. Since Bomin moved in he has been nothing but caring towards Sungyoon and Sungyoon wanted to know why.

I mean he thought it was a bit unusual for a man to be this caring for another man. "Hello Hyung whats up?",Jangjun said. "Hey Jangjun I just wanna talk about something",Sungyoon said. "Okay what is it?",Jangjun asked. "Has Bomin always been this caring?", Sungyoon asked Jangjun. "Pardon?",Jangjun said confused. "Has Bomin always been this caring?", Sungyoon asked again. Jangjun chuckled a bit and when he noticed the silence he spoke up. "Oh your serious",Jangjun said. "Of course I'm serious you idiot", Sungyoon said. "Sorry it's just that Bomin would never care for anyone",Jangjun said. "Come again?",Sungyoon said. "I mean Bomin is a very cold person and it takes him time to open up",Jangjun said. "For real?!", Sungyoon said surprised.

"Yep",Jangjun said. "But he is literally the exact opposite with me!", Sungyoon said. "Sorry Hyung I don't know what else to tell you",Jangjun said. "Well can you tell me a little more about him?", Sungyoon asked. "Alright then, He has a sister, he is very intimidating, and he's gay-",Jangjun said but cutting off the last part. "Shit shit shit",Jangjun cursed to himself. Sungyoon just sat there with wide eyes. His heart dropped and he felt his blood boiling. "I HAVE BEEN LIVING WITH A GAY THIS ENTIRE TIME!", Sungyoon yelled. "Hyung calm down",Jangjun said.
"No I won't, I refuse to live with a disgusting gay",Sungyoon said. Jangjun felt a little offended as he to had a little secret. "Tell him to go back and live with you", Sungyoon said.

"Why do I have to do it?",Jangjun said. "Because I can't just kick him out after all the things he did for me", Sungyoon said. "Sorry Hyung he can't come back we already got a new roommate",Jangjun said. "God damn it!", Sungyoon said angrily. Sungyoon then hung up. He was furious. Sungyoon had been so homophobic since a while ago and not even Joochan, Jangjun, or Jaehyun know. He sighed to himself trying to calm down. "You can do this Sungyoon just ask him nicely to move out", Sungyoon thought to himself. A while later he heard the door open. "Hyung I'm back",Bomin said walking in with groceries.

"Uhm...Bomin?", Sungyoon said exiting his room. "Yeah?",Bomin replied. "I have something I wanna talk to you about",Sungyoon said. "What is it?",Bomin said placing the bag of groceries on the kitchen counter. "Well you see... I want you to move out",Sungyoon said. Bomin was shocked at the sudden words. "What why?!",Bomin said. "Get it together get it together",Sungyoon thought to himself. "I thought we were getting a long nicely",Bomin yelled. "I even help you pay rent!",Bomin yelled again. Sungyoon felt his blood boil. "Why do you want me to move out?!",Bomin asked a little mad. "BECAUSE YOUR A DISGUSTING GAY!",Sungyoon yelled at him unintentionally. Sungyoon was shocked at his own words and covered his mouth with his both hands.

"Okay, so thats how it is",Bomin said madly. "Bomin i-", Sungyoon was about to say something. "Save it I don't wanna hear it",Bomin said. "How dare you talk to me like that!", Sungyoon said angrily. "Well you are telling me to move out when I just got here so I can talk to you however I like!",Bomin said back. "Just leave already!", Sungyoon yelled. "I don't have too!",Bomin yelled. Then they suddenly heard a knock on the door. Sungyoon and Bomin looked at each other angrily before Bomin stomped to the door and opened it. "What is with all this yelling",The manager asked. "Sorry ma'am it won't happen again",Bomin said finally cooling off. "I've heard that before and I know your lying",The manager spoke.

"You guys fight like fucking children and I expect you two to get along",She said. Bomin and Sungyoon looked at the ground. "I better not hear anymore yelling understand!",She said and they both nodded. "Good, now have a nice day",She said and walked away. Bomin closed the door then glared at Sungyoon and Sungyoon glared back. "I hate people like you!",They both said to each other before going into their separate rooms.

A/n: sorry for the childish fighting lmao

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