Chapter 1 - You've Got To Be Kidding Me

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I won't say that I've ever had the greatest life. I didn't.  It sucked and it used to be horrible to be honest.

But at least I knew where I was going in it and how to work it the way I needed it to. I was getting someplace. I don't give up. I fight back and I fight back hard.

It doesn't mean that I'm a stable person. I'm not, like don't get me wrong, I'm great with kids and I absolutely adore their cuteness.

How was I supposed to know that trying to bungee jump without a bungee jump cord would kill me?

I thought I was all hooked up . .

But, I was distracted by the kittens. Seriously, there were really super adorable kittens on the bottom and well. . I sorta forgot I guess?

Ealdor - in Essiter

Unfortunately, I ended up getting reborn.
Yes, I said unfortunately.

No, I did not want to be reborn.

I had plans that I was planning and I needed to be able to do said plans.

Turns out that I ended up being born to Hunith, Merlins mom. . Which is fine. . Except . .

"What a beautiful baby girl!" Someone coos

"What are you naming her Hunith?"

"Merlyn, her name is Merlyn, isn't she just beautiful." My new mother says, oh joy, I can see Camelot going up in flames already.

I'll burn Uther. . Or maybe he'll execute me? Ohhh. . My new life goals! I give myself 3 weeks max before he has me executed for one reason or another!

I'm soo going to need to practice my magic . . That will be fun at least. . . But, do I have to do this?

Oh that's right, I died, then I got reborn. I have no choice. Though I won't die as a child, that's just cruel.

2 Years Old

I know in the show Merlin used old English, except during this time, they already speak old English. I wonder what will occur if I use Latin in place for the spells, if it'll work or not?

I scan the area, not very far past my mother, will I actually need the words or if knowing what I want will help it at all?

Looking at the wilting flowers I walk over and place my hand on it and close my eyes, focusing. . .

I want them to blossom, I want them to be full and beautiful. . . Pretty, pretty flowers, perhaps maybe even have them be a lavender color if I can do that.

I hear a gasp from behind me and I turn quickly and open my eyes to see my mother looking past me with eyes wide as saucers.

Slowly, I turn and see lavender colored roses, bloomed and beautiful and my mouth drops, well, at least I know the answer to how my magic can work.

Mother walks to me and kneels beside me, grabbing my shoulders gently she turns me towards her "Baby, Merlyn, as beautiful as the flowers are you cannot show anyone else. Do you understand honey?"

I nod just as a boy, perhaps two years older then I cames over and whispers in amazement "you can do magic? I'm William!"

Yup, I'm definitely taking Willy with me when I go to Camelot. I wonder if I can train him? Eh, perhaps I can't.

"Mewlwn" I great him excitedly. "More?" I ask as I grab his hand, I hear mother sigh.

That right there started off our little friendship thing.

4 Years Old

At 4 I was spending a lot of time with William in the woods, practicing my magic, mother didn't approve of that but it's better then being unprepared.

"You need to be careful Merlyn." Little Will whispered as we head back to the village, "they say that witches and wizards get killed often."

I pout but make no comment, he's already a protective person.

8 Years Old

"Can't you just knock the tree down Merlyn, please" William asks with a pout.

I look at him unamused "if you weren't so adorable I'd hate you," I tell my 10 year old friend, my only friend really.

William chuckles in amusement and says in a whiny voice "Pleassssee"

I sigh in irritation and tell him "No, if I do it'll nearly fall on Old Man Simmons"

"How do you know that?" Willam asks confused.

I smirk at him and whisper "I know some of the future."

He chuckles "I'm sure." I wink at him.

12 Years Old

I've taken to eating less since the village is nearly always low on food. I normally find a way to get my mother to have it, William or one of the others in need of more good then I.

"It needs to be used mother."

"No, not it doesn't dear" mother try's to tell me soothingly.

"It does, I can feel it under my skin mother. If I don't use it then it will come out on its own.

The magic inside of me has grown, honestly if there was a Hogwarts in this time I'd totally be there, the magic feels ready to burst so it's necessary for me to exorcise it despite my mother and Williams strong protests.

15 Years Old

"You need to eat more honey" my mother says and I shrug.

"I've been growing a garden in the woods, when it's ready there will be more food for the people here."

"Merlyn, if Kanen finds out . ."

"Then I'll kill him."

"Merlyn" my mother says with a soft sigh "I know your wish to protect us all is strong but it's just not safe for you to do."

"But I'm not worried about my life mother, I'd go to Camelot and whack Uther on the head with a brick if it'd help us all."

William snorts and then chuckles as he comes over to sit beside me and ruffles my hair "you mean we would. We're a team!"

I shrug "perhaps I'd keep you away in a padded room."

William frowns "padded with what?"

I sigh "sometimes I forget that I died that one time."

William rolls his eyes and takes a bite of his food.

Mother rubs her temples and smiles, then she shakes her head and pats my head while she releases a sigh "You're such a precious girl."

I pout. I'm not trying to be precious here.

"I'd say that she's a reckless girl, you won't be able to let her go anywhere alone Hunith." William says with a slight laugh causing me to roll my eyes.

"Perhaps you will have to follow her where ever she shall go then Will" mother says with a twitch of her lips.

Perhaps it's a good thing I plan on dragging him along to Camelot. . . It'd be fun. .

Then we'll come back, together or with the prince and all that and then kill Kanen or something.


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