62- Lukany

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"So you were the Rose all the time" Luke asked in shocked from the playground.
"I guess yeah, I was shocked as well" Rose added.
"Oh my gosh reuniting with a friend is the best part" Bethany squealed.

"I was shocked as well" Stella added.

"My boyfriend and my best friends are old friends! No way!" Bethany said jumping.
"She is really happy" Sebastian said looking at Bethany dying with happiness.

"She is above cloud nine" Stella replied.
"She sure is" Luna answered.

"My mom sent some of our old pictures" Luke said.
"Where is it?!" Bethany shouted.
"Oh my goodness that girl is excited" Anna answered.
"I know right" Rose replied.

"Show me please!" Bethany cried.
"I will" Luke answered.

"I don't remember anything about photos" Rose answered.
"I didn't know about it as well" Luke answered.
Luke opened a photo Bethany grabbed the phone.

"Oh that is so cute! So little and tiny" Bethany answered squealing.
"Let me see" Rose replied.
"Aww, Rose you are adorable" Luna replied.
"The picture is so cool" Stella replied.

"I don't think I have a picture with my old friends" Sebastian replied.
"We didn't knew we had it as well" Rose replied.

"Did you guys still remember that someone like a friend existed?" Anna asked.
"I did remember a Luke but I just never thought a random Luke who dates my friends who be that Luke" Rose answered pointing to the baby Luke in the picture.

"I thought I saw you somewhere when we first met from the playground" Luke answered.
"Yeah, You did say that" Rose replied.

"I mean would someone expect that they would see there old friends randomly, I mean we were not just friends we were best friends" Luke added.

"Maybe that's why we got along with the Lukany plans so quickly" Rose answered.

"That can be the reason" Stella answered.
"Wow! So you guys did plan the whole thing" Anna said.

"Yeah, we really did" Luke answered.
"Show me that cute Luke" Bethany said.
Luke blushed a little and was embarrassed a little as well but he show the phone with the photos.

"Someone's blushing" Luna teased.
"No I am not" Luke replied.
"You can't lie you know" Sebastian added.
"Okay, Maybe a little" Luke answered.
"I mean who wouldn't when your girlfriend just adore the photos you hate" Luke answered.

"Lukany is my favourite ship" Sebastian replied.
"Who wouldn't love that ship?" Rose added.
Luke and Bethany started heating up.

"Lukany! Lukany! Lukany!" Everyone teased.
"Come on guys" Bethany whimper.
"Lukany!" Sebastian replied.
"Stop it that is enough of teasing" Luke answered.

"We have already admitted that we are in a relationship" Bethany answered still blushing.
"Yeah, You guys are acting like we are hiding it" Luke added.

"Okay let's stop it" Stella answered.
"So I am going back to the room" Sebastian replied.
"Me too" Luke added.
"Me as well" Anna added.
"Then let's all go back" Luna replied.

"Ugh, I don't want to go to the school" Luna said.
"Are you talking about tomorrow? Come on" Stella asked.

"Yeah I just don't want to" Luna said and walked to the bed.

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