I'm Dead, and hes a Jerk- The ride home.

Start from the beginning

I got off the bonnet, and walked to the passenger seat of his car, which to my amusement he was holding open with a smirk on his face.

“Jared, first you pass up sex, then your acting like a gentlemen holding a car door open for a lady. Has some other ghost of a respectable man come along and possessed you or something?” I asked.

He pretended to think for a minute “Possession, would that involve the ghost getting all up in my body?”

I gave a confused look at his question, not quite knowing what he was getting at “Yeah I guess it would.”

His thinking face turned into a mischievous smirk, and he leaned in close to me “In that case, I bet your gagging to posses me. So you could get up on all of this” he gestures his hands around his body.

I snorted with laughter. “I don’t know if I'm laughing with you, or at you.”

“Either way sugar, your still laughing.” He replied, actually smiling.

Once again we were doing that thing where we stared at each other for a few seconds. Again, I felt the need to stop it before it got too much. I quickly got in the car, and I heard him sigh in defeat, and slam the door shut.

He walked around to the driver’s seat and got in, slamming his own door shut and starting the engine. I realised I had no idea where the hell we were as I had only apparated here.

“Jared how far away are we from home?” I asked, looking around the unfamiliar streets.

I saw him smirk, clearly amused. “You say that like we actually live together.”

I tried not to smile at this remark “Believe me, if we did, our house would not be the state your room is in. My home will not be a pig sty.”

He chuckled “Hey, don’t judge me. It’s one of my unique qualities”

“Being a slob?” I suggested, grinning.

“Yup, would you love me if I was anything else?” he joked. I suddenly felt a little awkward about the fact he had used the L-word. I think he noticed what he said too, as he quickly stopped laughing, and there was silence around the car.

“Were about half an hour away from home” he told me, quietly. I nodded my head.

“Anyway, tell me what happened before I got there tonight?” I asked quickly, trying to stop the awkward silence that I knew was coming. Relief flashed through his face at the fact he could talk about something else.

“I snooped, and zilch. There was nothing in there.” He informed me.

“What, you’re telling me my phone wasn’t in her snatch?” I asked, smiling innocently.

He smirked “The only thing in there was my dick”

“You are sick” I replied scrunching my face in disgust. He laughed at my reaction. “There’s gotta be something else we can do to find out if she did it?”

“I really don’t think she did it Leah”

“Its gotta be her Jared, she’s the only one who makes sense.” I said, sounding a little desperate.

He sighed at my stubbornness “Well, I did ask her what she did Monday night and she clearly lied to me. I suppose we could find out where she was?”

This brought a little more hope to me, and I smiled. “That sounds like a plan, we are on that first thing tomorrow!” I almost shrieked with excitement. He turned his head and looked at me like I was a freak.

For the next 5 minutes, the car was silent. I could tell once that conversation was over, we were both thinking about the argument we had earlier. Neither of us had mentioned it yet. I on the other hand was also thinking about how the hell this idiot next to me can touch me when no one else can?

One off Leah, remember? Just leave it.

Finally, that voice said something that makes sense.

I gazed at the long empty stretch of road we were on. It was dark, and it did look quite creepy. Wow, how ironic. A ghost getting creeped out.

From a distance, I spotted a small shed like thing. It was quite weird, because there was nothing here but fields and road. I stared a little harder at the little wooden shed. As we drove closer, it looked more like a caravan. There was a sign in front of it. I squinted my eyes and read the big bold lettering.

After I took in what the sign said, my instincts immediately took over.

“STOP!” I screamed. Jared also screamed and slammed on the breaks, sending the car stopping to a screeching hault in the middle of the road. I looked at him, biting my lip to stop from laughing.

“You’re a little jumpy tonight?” I teased. He rolled his eyes and slammed his head on the steering wheel. The horn honked, and I snorted with laughter.

“Woman, if you don’t stop screaming at random moments I may have some sort of freaking heart failure!” he hissed with his head still down, trying to catch his breath from the mini heart attack I just gave him.

I laughed. He lifted his head up and turned to face me.  “Care to explain why you’re screaming like the maniac we all know you are?”

“Right, I know what you’re like so listen before you say no and call me an idiot, but I have an idea.” I began.

“Nuh-uh, whenever you get ideas, I somehow am the one to get fucked over. I either get slapped, punched, have some sort of food thrown at my face or get kicked in the balls. I don’t want to get kicked in the balls, I like my balls!” he almost pleaded. I tried to push the corners of my mouth down.

“Did you just say Nuh-uh?” I asked clearly entertained, and he narrowed his eyes at me.

“What is you fabulous idea?” he demanded, gritting his teeth. I gave him my best child like smile, in an attempt to win him over on this idea and pointed at the wooden shed/caravan thing that I was staring at a minute ago. He looked at it cautiously, and after a few minutes of him processing what the sign said and thinking it through, he looked back up at me slowly. His face was calm. Then he spoke.

“I am NOT, I repeat, NOT going to see a psychic Leah.”


There you go, VOTE and COMMENT pleasee :)

so, why do you think Jared was able to touch her? 

Do you think it is a one off?

What do you thinks going to happen when they go see the psychic? 


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