Price of Success

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A/n:  This is a request for a Player X OC, where the character goes missing, like how Carmen did in her mission to Stockholm.

How did this happen?

Both easy and complicated.

Team Carmen was spread thin. ACME doesn't take kindly for verifying the truth by hacking into their systems. So now two shadow organizations were bearing down. Some missions were now solo, others were very specific pairs. Manageable, but more of a strain on everyone's skills and resources.

Especially Player. 

He was coordinating all these teams, searching through endless data, arranging transports, hacking high-level security, linking so much data on his own! Y/n saw first-hand how he was stretching himself thin, day after day. Doing everything possible to help him not break under the pressure, or be crushed under all the responsibility.

Then, came the biggest red alert.

From the dark web, they got word that VILE was closing in on the location of Carmen's command center! An agent of VILE was being sent after Player and Y/n! Y/n and Carmen wanted Player to pack up and get out of his home for a few weeks. But Player could not move his control center, no matter how much he wanted to. Ivy's tech was a long way from making force fields or visual blocking that Vile Island once had.

So, Y/n suggested an alternative. Player would stay at his computer, and the others would go on their scheduled missions as planned. But Y/n would wear a disguise, and go out into town. The unknown agent was sure to find Y/n wearing a red trench coat, and Y/n could lead them out of town and leave clues that their "control tower" was being moved to a very big, very crowded city. VILE would be sent on a wild goose chase for a good long time, and the team would not be slowed in the slightest.

Two days later, everything was arranged. Y/n had a similar coat to Carmen's along with a few gadgets to help get away. Player also suggested these would be used to identify y/n as a close associate of Red. VILE sees someone playing with Carmen's toys, they'll get the message. And the false message 'accidentally' dropped would not be questioned.

Y/n walked on concealed stilts to not be identified. The coat did it's own covering. Y/n at one point walked past an old classmate who did not recognize them! Player had Y/n on an ear-com to help identify the agent when they appeared. Y/n just had to sneak in and out of a few buildings and keep their eyes open. 

It took close to thirty minutes for the ride over, and, thanks to Carmen, y/n knew the possible identities of the agent to look out for.

"Player?" Y/n spoke clear, but low into the comm. "Still no sign, it's been three hours. I think it's time we flush this spook out."

"I'd stay careful, Y/n." Player said. "Red said to keep a low profile, just in case. It could be we got a newly graduated agent."

"We either make the mistake of misjudging the danger, or we miss the danger and lead it back home. We need to make a call here."

"Well..." Player's frantic typing could be heard over y/n's earpiece. "Here's something: there's a traveling exhibit happening in the local museum. The Lost Queen. If you walk through the crowd, there's a good chance our target will see you. Then you can just glide out and remove your disguise in the woods. You still got your 'bait?'"

Y/n checked the left pocket. "Little beauty is all set. And my bus ticket home is still under my socks."

"That's kinda gross, Y/n."

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