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Everyone who has dreams, eventually has their nightmares.  These may not be their worst nightmares, just the ones that involve the person they care about.    


Carmen's nightmare is you dumping her and being brainwashed by VILE to steal for them. Then you start dating one of the Vile agents, and both Carmen's mother and Shadow-san call her a disgrace for losing you.


Player loses track of Carmen, Zack and Ivy and can't find them on any system! Then all his computers explode and you reveal that you have turned to the Vile side and are here to brainwash him.


Zack's race car gets chased and eaten by a monster truck that spits him out! He sees you on the winner's podium hugging Trey Sterling. You say to him, "Zack, you idiot. Why would I date a loser when I could have a winner? Get back to your empty fridge and emptier pockets!" He wakes up screaming!


All of her inventions start falling apart in front of her eyes. Nothing she does makes them stay together! Even the smallest parts begin breaking in half! Then you come in asking what is wrong. When you reach Ivy, you fall apart in a thousand mechanical pieces, like a robot. Ivy panics and frantically tries to put you back together, but you immediately rust and turn into a pile of dust! 


You both were in some kind of mad scientist labyrinth. Graham was hearing different voices compelling him to go in different directions. When Graham finally found you, you were at the center of the maze. The two of you ran to each other! But when Graham touched you with his hand, you were electrocuted and fell to the floor. Then another him (Crackle) emerged from the maze and said, "Lights out, baby." He snapped his fingers, and Graham woke up.

El Topo-

The two of you were out in a wasteland. El Topo tried to dig to make you both some shelter or find water, but the ground was so hard that he couldn't even make a scratch in it. He started panicking and clawing around the area with the same result.
He heard you call out to him once. He saw you take one step and the ground crumbles, sending you falling down into a dark abyss. Antonio tries to go after you, but the hole is to small and he still can't break through the dirt.

Le Chevre-

He was climbing up a misty mountain with you and El Topo. When the whiteness of the mist started overtaking the landscape, El Topo called out to his amigo that something felt wrong. You agreed with El Topo, but Le Chevre insisted that both of you were wrong and should keep going.
Suddenly, El Topo's support line snapped and he screamed as he fell out of sight. Le Chevre called after him only for your line to snap as well as you fell, reaching out to him! "Y/n!!!!" Alone. He lost you both out of arrogance, but the nightmare was not over.
Through the wind, he hears the echoing giggle of Paper Star. Jean-Paul's own line snaps, but he's ready and grabs hold of the mountainside! Paper Srar's laughter becomes louder and Jean-Paul sees his hands fade from existence at his wrists. As he falls, the only sound louder than is screams is that wicked, crazy laugh!


All her treasures just a absorb and vanish into the floors and walls. No matter how much she grabs at them, they all slip through Sheena's fingers. In no time, everything is gone leaving only wooden floor and falling wallpaper. Then you open the door and say, "Sheena, I don't love you anymore and I'm marrying someone else. Good-bye, you bratty, spoiled, rude ball of abandonment issues."

Mime Bomb-

In his nightmare, Mime Bomb was beaten and tormented by every person he had known from his past, even Black Sheep. Then when his conscience showed you... you were too badly hurt. He immediately woke up and had to check on you.

Dash Haber-

Dash dreamed he was cold and alone on a street with pouring rain. His clothes were basically rags and there was a sign around his neck tha read 'undesireable'. A few passerby people completely ignored or at worst scoffed at him as the walked by with umbrellas. But the you... Dash saw you on the arm of the Duke of Vermeer, buying expensive jewelry.

A/n:  I'm no freudian expert, but go ahead to analyze these yourself!  Next one will be a one-shot request.  

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