Who Asked Who (Out)

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You asked her out. You were nervous the first time you thought of doing it. But after spending so much time with Carmen, you started seeing subtle signs that she liked you as more than a crew member and friend. It was just a matter of waiting for the right time.


You debated which was the best way to ask him. Text? Email? Skype? You couldn't decide! You almost dropped the idea since it looks like he'll be busy for a while. Then out of nowhere he asks you, "You busy this Friday?"


You had a dare with Ivy that you could get Zack to ask you out. You were subtle at first, then slowly grew into painfully obvious. Everyone caught on. Except for Zack. You lost the bet to Ivy.
The next day: "Yo, y/n!"
"What Zack?"
"Ya know how we need partners to bust the next job?"
"Yup! I'm with Ivy, and you're with Carmen."
"I...uh, was thinkin' we could switch."
"You want to be with your sister? Sorry Zack, but we're supposed to be acting as couples and you and Ivy look too much alike!"
"No! Oh gross, no! I meant I want to go with you."
"Don't you think you should ask Carmen?"
"Already got the go-ahead from Boss. So, is it a date, y/n?"
Throws a pillow at his face.


She asked you. She was very casual and confident, just asked if you wanted to go out and you said yes. You both picked a place and time, then when no one was looking you each did your own victory dance!


Oh, you know he's not afraid to make the first move. No pretext, no guessing games, he just let's you know that he's available and he's interested. If you say no the first (few) times he'll be persistent until it's obvious.

El Topo-

You knew he wanted to ask you out. You would catch him staring out you, then snapping back to what he was supposed to be doing. Or he would try to sit next to you in all your classes. He did this a lot. Finally, after a lot of encouragement from Le Chevre, he found you alone. "Um, y-y/n? If you are not- and if you are- I mean, besides a mission! Would you be free- I mean interest.... or-"
"Do you want go out, El Topo?"

Le Chevre-

Le Chevre was especially arrogant with you around.You thought that he hated you. He deliberately stayed at a distance from you on all occasions. He never looked at you when you talked to him. You came to the conclusion he just never liked you. Then, after Dr. Bellum's lab, Crackle turned around and briefly flirted with you. Out of nowhere, Le Chevre came up and grabbed Crackle by the shirt. "I warned you, Crackle-box! Y/n is off limits. If she is meeting with anyone later, it will be me, and me only! You want to use your faux,-Australian charm on anyone, go to your Black Sheep!"


Well... she said...
"Here's my number, email, and movie tickets. I'll settle for food an hour before, but don't stuff yourself cause you're paying for the popcorn and soda! And if you're even one minute late I will hunt you down and smash your face!"

You knew you were going to have to be the one who asked him. Finding him alone was easy in your mind. But the problem came when you couldn't find him at all. You really had to look too! You searched for two hours before giving up. You finally sat down and decided to just do the reading for your next class. Ten minutes in, and you feel a presence on front of you. Mimebomb is sitting in an 'invisible chair.'
"Oh, hey you. What's up?" You ask him.
He points at the ceiling. You roll your eyes. "Hardy-har-har...."
He then pushes a paper in front of you with a message. 'Did you find who you were looking for?'
"Who I was...? Wait, Mime bomb, were you following me?"
Mime bomb shakes his head. He points to his eyes then at you.
"You just saw me. Oh, um...no. No, I completely lost the trail."
He mimes, 'Who was it?'
You smile. "Who? Hmm, I don't know if I want to tell you.... But it's a guy. One I really like. And I was going to ask him out today."
Mime bomb 'falls' out of his invisible chair. He jumps back up right next you, but it's too late to act like it never happened. You go on. "I'm actually thinking he might be avoiding me since I can't find him today. We hang out all the time, and he's the closest person to me on, well... not just the island, but anywhere really."
With each sentence Mime bomb gets more and more distressed. He can't even hide it behind his painted smile anymore. He doesn't want to lose you to this mysterious guy. You are the only person who immediately understands him, and he trusts! He starts thinking of all the possible candidates and how he can get rid of them.
You can see right through this mime and decide to put him out of his misery. "So... you free tonight?"

Dash Haber-
The two of you were just sitting next to each other when Dash says, "When are you asking me out?"
You blink, then ask him back. "Whaaaat?"
"When. Are. YOU. Asking. Me out?"
That came out of nowhere to you. "What if I don't want to ask you out?"
Dash scoffs at you. "Please! You obviously do. You keep looking at me every five seconds."
"You're the only other person here. I was thinking of asking you to switch places with me. It gets hot in the sun, ya know!"
Dash rolls his eyes. "You weren't in the sun on the plane, the limo, or the walk here. Just ask me and I'll give you an answer."
You grimace back at him. "Someone was paying close attention! But why don't you ask ME out? Unless you think my answer will be different than yours!"
"What does that mean?"
"C'mon, Dash! We're both good at our jobs. We can find the details. I'm up, you're down; me hot, you cold. We're teammates for a reason. Opposites to cover all the bases!"
"You just paid yourself a big compliment." He remarks. "Honey, I'm Dash Haber, and the senior agent here. I get asked out, I don't do the asking."
Throwing shade, your reply is: " And I'm (Codename). The fresh, the new, the now! Anyone who's afraid of asking me out clearly has low confidence. So why would I ask out someone like that?"
THAT gets Dash angry! "Oh yeah?!"
You stand up to meet him. "Yeah!"
"Well- Well- Well you...!
"What, Dash? What!"
"I'll...... I'll see you next Saturday!"
"Name the time!"
"Le Champ de Paradis. Wear something formal and actually sexy."
"Oh, you are on, Haber!"
You both "Humph" and sit back down.
A moment of silence.
And then Dash asks you. "Wait. Which of us asked the other out?"
You shrug. "I have no idea. Let's just go and see where the date gets us."

A/n:  At this time I will be taking requests!  Preference titles or even one-shots if you're looking for one character specifically!  Don't be shy about asking. Just leave it in the comments here!

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