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If there are fights in relationships, then there has to be apologies, right?  If it's something they've done that we can forgive, that is.  But every person comes to an apology differently too.


You two are both relatively new to the very idea of a relationship!  So you each need some time with your own support groups before either of you cools off.  You apologize to Carmen by saying you are sorry, and having a conversation about why you fought with her. Carmen (briefly) shares her own feelings. You both discuss how to do better.


After not talking (other than info on VILE info exchanges) for 2-3 days, Player sends you a text saying he wants to go through some data with you. You ask him to email or text what you need to know about it. He says it's only safe to see this on his computer, so you have to come personally. When you come into the room, you see Player has a whole liter of your favorite soda, and two glasses for you. He says sorry about the fight you had, you accept and apologize too. You share the drink and start working together again.


When you and Zack have a serious fight, you give him the silent treatment. An hour in he caves. "Alright! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I was wrong and you were right. Now will please tell me where the keys are?"


Ivy is insist and stubborn when she thinks she's right. You two give each other the silent treatment for about a week. What makes you two finally come together is the fact that you just miss each other. You both end up apologizing and promise to try to do better.


He is immediately chasing after you trying to apologize. As good as Graham is at flirting, he's not so good at saying sorry. He's just so stubborn about being in the right! You want to forgive him, but you just know he'll do it again if you forgive too easily. It takes some time, and when you realize that you might be acting overly stubborn too, you decide you can forgive Graham. Tomorrow. Only to be met with a grand gesture from him as apology. You accept, talk, and are able to forgive each other.

El Topo-

Antonio apologizes for little things that sometimes aren't even his fault. He says sorry for saying sorry so many times! You tell him he doesn't need to apologize for these things. You admit that sometimes you are at fault, but then he apologizes for making you feel that way!

Le Chevre- 

Okay, hoping that HE will apologize is a nonstarter. Arguments between the two of you range from regular to legendary. Sometimes your friends can't believe you are still together! Even when YOU apologize, he still wants to fight. So you fight, and fight, and fight! Only when an intervention from your friends is held do you both find some means to make up.
Fighting with you are the exception to his 'high road' way of life.  


She does all the the yelling, whining, complaining, nagging, and screaming! So that only leaves you with the agreeing or staying silent. But, once in while, you stay quiet so long. You don't call her, compliment her, and barely acknowledge Sheena's presence. Finally, she gets that you've had enough of her attitude and you hear an "I'm sorry."

Mime Bomb-

Mime Bomb's apologies usually stem from him being silly. He knows that your not in the mood for his 'nonsense', but he still knows how to get to you. He mimes out that he's picking up roses, then out of seemingly nowhere he produces a real, big bouquet for you! You hug him, and say how you really do appreciate him.

Dash Haber-

Dash's apologies are typically rare and extravagant. He makes it a very romantic date in any kind of venue he can get. After a bit of intimacy and romance between the two of you, almost everything can be forgiven. Something bigger than the usual? You give each other a weapon and/or shopping spree!

A/n:  Not all of these represent the best way to make up, in my own opinion.  But if you have any thoughts on what actually is a good apology, share below!

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