Dreams of You

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Hi, everyone!  Yes, I'm still writing and even took down a story that clearly wasn't worth investing time in.  But hey, LIFE!  Has anyone else been having strange dreams during the quarantine?  Based on that, here's some ideas of what these characters might dream about!


In Carmen's dream, the the two of you flying over the clouds and under a starry, moonlit sky! With the wind whistling in her ears, she flew with you without a care in the world.


The two were fighting back-to-back against an army evil, tuxedo-wearing clones in a basketball court. At the end of the dream, all your enemies lay motionless on the ground, and then the you smiled at him.


Zack won the professional racing championship for the fifth time and lived in a giant mansion with you, and five garages each filled with 20 cars!


Ivy's dream is her buying a home with a giant garage where she can make all the inventions she wants with you being there as her marriage partner!


Graham dreamed that the two of you were on an island. (Yes, THAT island, but wait!) Then suddenly you spotted a boat and guided him into to it and you both rowed away from the sand.

El Topo-

Antonio dreamed that the two if you were married and living in a cosy house in a good neighborhood. He could dig deeper and deeper under the house and it would somehow get bigger as he did!

Le Chevre-

Jean-Paul dreamed he was able to climb a colossal mountain in three whole jumps. At the peak was you waiting for him. You took his hand and asked him. "This is the high ground. Will you stay here with me?"


Money and power, baby! Tigress gets everything she has ever wanted, and has every means to get it in her dreams. She is queen of the world! You asked where you were in the dream. She said that you were where you always are. "Are you saying I'm always your dream come true?"
"S-Shut it!"

Mime Bomb-

He is running VILE! All the agents admire and respect him. Mime Bomb Sees everything and controls all of VILE's assets. You are always with him, working together and reaping the rewards together.

Dash Haber-

His every whim answered. Dash has abundant wealth and influence of the world in his dream. He is head of the fashion world, with Dash's every word being law. Dash most enjoys the part of the dream where he has you all to himself! The two of you away in regal or exotic settings, being a couple with a care in the world.

A/n:  Yeah, short isn't?  But I have another coming soon!  It makes me happy to see your comments and request down below!  Critiques are welcome too, don't be shy!

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