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Carmen doesn't quite get nicknames. She casually shortens people's names, but she doesn't see the difference between 'nicknames' and 'codenames.'


Very awkward with nicknames. He makes ar least three for you at the start of your relationship before he settles on just one.


Ivy would nickname you after your favorite hobby. Like 'chef', 'runner' or 'gamer.' She mostly does it to tease you.


He calls you Player 2. That's the most affectionate he can get.


Terrible at nicknames! So you told he can just keep it generic like Babe, or Sheila. He once tried making a pun on your name. It was really bad.

El Topo-

His nicknames for you are in Spanish. His favorites are Bonita, and Mi Corazon.

Le Chevre-

French nicknames. Mon Ange, Mon tesor, and Bichette. That last one earned him a slap the first time.


Her nicknames for you are possessive. Like 'My Baby(your gender)', Cuddles, or Kitten. She makes a point to say these in public so everyone knows your hers. She uses nicer one when you two are alone. Like 'Hon', 'Sweetie, or just 'Babe'.


Okay, we know he can't exactly talk so he can't 'call' you anything. But he uses sign language or mimes out words like 'Beautiful', 'Angel' or 'Gem' when you are together.

Dash Haber-

Dash didn't want to give you a nickname. He said it was too "blaz-eh" and that your own name was perfectly fine. So you tricked him. You called him several times to hurry out the door when he wasn't ready and he yelled angrily across the room " Just a sec, Princess!"

You cheered and yelled back at him, "Ha! Just got a nickname!"

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