Proposals Pt. 2 (VILE Agents)

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The reason I was late:  my files were messed with.  Yes!  I couldn't write in my normal place even so I had to move what I had over.  Sadly, this may mean updating will take longer in the future.   I will try to fix what I can, but I ask that you be patient.

But not for this!  Hope you enjoy!

El Topo-

El Topo... was broke when he decided to propose. Carmen Sandiego interferences was making it difficult for VILE to collect, and thus agents could not be paid. The situation was not looking to improve either. It was made worse that Antonio often gave what little money he had to help his friends when asked.

Still he wanted to propose. Even if times were uncertain.

You both were at home. And by home, I mean a small two-bedroom apartment with tile from the 1930's that just barely had the room for living essentials. But it was you both could afford. In addition, food was cheap, but nothing a little creativity couldn't liven up!

You were making lunch in the cramped kitchen when Antonio came in through the back door behind you.

"Antonio!" You greeted him. Thin walls made codenames a no-go, so calling him El Topo was strictly on missions only.

"Mi corazon!" He greeted you back with a hug and a loving kiss. "It has been too long!"

"You left only 2 hours ago."

He kissed you again. "And I already missed you from the second I left."

You grinned. Your boyfriend is charmingly cliché, yet he sincerely means every word. You cannot believe such a man would ever be on the run from the law! "You're just in time for lunch, let me turn down the stove."

The portions were meager, but they would be enough for you. Anthony had survived on less, and so had you. At least there was no threat of your home being lost or worry you would go without. Anthony made sure you were taken care of. Yes, he gave money away, but only to his friends and only when it wouldn't cut too far in to the expenses.

"I hope Jean-Paul and (Le Chevre's Y/n) are alright." You said. "I like having them close even if we do not see them often." Turning off the stove, you wipe your hands on a dirty apron. "Perhaps later this week we can arrange an-"

When stepped to face Antonio again, you were welcomed to the sight of him down on both knees. He was beaming up at you, one hand was hidden behind his back, and the other was asking for your hand. Stunned, you just instinctively place your hand in his.

"Y/n," Antonio spoke your name like he was addressing a fairytale princess. "The first day I saw you, it was like my vision of the world was renewed. You filled my world with vibrant colors, bright light, and-and such beauty! I-I could not find the words when I first met you, but now I do."

Antonio brought the fist from behind his back. He opened it, revealing a small silver ring with a little diamond set in it. "Y/n, you are my everything. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

Le Chevre-

"Hurry up, Y/n!" Jean-Paul called back as he raced up the trail.

"I am LITERALLY three steps behind you!"

Hiking and mountain climbing was the norm for most of your dates with Le Chevre. But this time was different. The sky was getting dark, which was very, very dangerous for either activities. But that wasn't the oddest part. The trail you had been on for almost an our was an amateur level trail. That...did not happen with Jean. 

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