What You Both Fight About

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You and Carmen tend to fight about her 'end game'. When will her missions be done? Is VILE worth risking her life so much? When will she be satisfied!? Aren't you enough for her? Carmen argues back that her fight isn't about VILE, it's about saving the artifacts of the world's history. She says that she does care about you, but you don't know how it feels to be isolated and lied to by the people who raised you!

You don't like the the amount of time Player stays in front of his computer, even when Carmen doesn't need him! He's spends more time with his computer than with you. Believe it or not, he argues that it's YOU who isn't around. You're out gathering intel most of the time, and it's often the reason why the missions are always cutting it so close!

Your fights are usually that Zack's lack of focus is causing problems both for the group and for him personally. Zack' s pretty laid back so he usually takes it, or it goes over his head.

She gets really bossy. She tells you it's because you don't know what you're doing half the time, and the other half you are just stumbling around. You tell her that you might as well be dating Tigress!
Even Shadow-san clears the room...

That flirt just gets on your last nerve! If it looks pretty and has two legs, he chases it. He says if you didn't blow him off, he wouldn't go looking for attention!

El Topo-
Well... he can be pretty dumb. El Topo is just too easily fooled. It causes a lot of inconveniences for everyone on his team! El Topo... can't seem to get mad at you. He gets frustrated sometimes, but he's just one of those guys that can't stay mad at anyone. Especially the person her loves the most.

Le Chevre-

Oye... everything! His bad attitude, his arrogance, hygiene, lack of trust in others! What really sets you off is how much of a jerk he can be to his own classmates! And he just goes off on you. How you overestimate yourself, and resort to throwing a tantrum like a child when you don't get your way!

No. If you want to live just let it go. It's not worth the blood loss.
Just don't say anything and walk out of the room.

Mime Bomb-
You kind of knew this at the beginning, but there is a lot of social embarrassment that comes with this guy. This leads to some arguments with him.  You feel guilty for shouting though.,when he can't. 

 He reminds you that what is really embarrassing is arguing with a mime! 

Dash Haber-
Ugh! Where to begin? His snobbery? Stuck-upness? He works too much? Childish pettiness? The list goes on and on! His greatest weapon: that you're still dating him, so who's the real idiot? 

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