Mini Shot #2

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"What?" Janus questions.

"I said 'will you marry me Jan?" Remus repeats holding out a ring pop.

"Re Re... We're too young." Janus response.

"Nuh uh! I just turned seven!"

"That's still young Remus..."

"But but!" Remus looks down and pouts. "You're the only person who doesn't care about my weirdness... I don't wanna loose you..."

Janus pulls him into a hug.

"You're my best friend... Nothing will change that."


"Come on Jan! Just say yes." Remus pleads. He's down on one knee again, this time with a plastic ring.  

"Remus get up! We're not gonna get marry when we're only 14!" Janus responses, his face turning red. 

"But I like you a lot!"Remus whinnes.

"What are you, 10!?" He yells face palming. "Plus.... You haven't even asked me on a date..." He adds softly.

Remus' eyes light up.

"So you'll go out with me?!" He said beaming. 

Janus sighs. "You're lucky I like you Re."


"Third times the charm...." Remus says surprisingly soft as he bends down on one knee. "Jan, 20 years ago I took you to this exact spot and asked you to marry me. You said we were too young. Then seven years later I asked again. You said we should date. 

When I was seven I wanted to insure you would stay in my life cause you didn't mind my 'weirdness.' When I was 14 I was to scared to be rejected if I asked you on a date so I asked again. Both times you never actually said no. 

This time," He says while pulling out a real, gold ring, "I'm asking because I love you so much and I never wanna be a part from you. So, Janus Sanders, will you marry me?"

At first Janus was shocked at how sweet he was being, but then he leaped into Remus' arm yelling "YES YES YES!"       


There you go! It's called a mini shot for a reason XD. If you liked please vote!

Tbh these really don't take much brain power and they are really good when I have writers block. Also It really fun to just write something short and cute without having to think super hard lol!

If you have any hcs you want to see please share in the comments. I'll try my hardest to write it!

Love you guys!- Lil'Nutella Bean


(word count 407) 

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