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"W-What?" "You heard me. I'll show you every reason right now why I'm not out of your league." He pins my arms to either side of me licking and nibbling on my neck. "I won't stop until I hear you say it." My heart drops. "W-Wait Hobi don't leave any hickies." I whine trying to get him off. "No promises." He starts to suck on my skin making me moan a little loud.

"H-Hoseok stop." I moan trying so hard to contain myself and squirming trying to get him off. Hobi grinds on me a little and I can feel him through his sweat pants. "F-Fine. You aren't out of my l-league." I close my eyes shut. Hoseok stops grinding and kissing on me. I open my eyes and meet his eyes.

"I think you said that so I'll stop not because you believe it." I bite my lip and quickly cross my legs. "Look at me. I'm the same guy from years ago but a tiny bit more handsome." I laugh a little making him crack a smile. I remember how he used to look but I always thought he was somewhat higher than me.

He's right.

"You're right. Although I have the thought of you being higher than me in some way, I still love you." I feel a little shy saying that last part with Hoseok's intense gaze. "You're so cute. Do you wonder why I finally had the guts to set this up?" Hoseok gets off of me and lays on his side. "Why?"

"Jimin kind of sold you out and I've been noticing something different about you. The others finally knocked it into my head when your eyes would light up when you see me, how shy you'd get around me sometimes if I look at you for a little while, and how you'd run to me when you have these horrible nightmares. I thought you were way too cute and good for me so sometimes I'd have a little self doubt." I love listening to him rambling and talk when all I have to do is listen to him. My heart feels so full.

"But Jimin and Namjoon noticed when I'd feel hurt and started pointing out certain things you did around me." "I made it obvious huh?" I blush and cover my face earning a chuckle from Hoseok. "Maybe but I don't understand how you didn't notice." We talked about it some more even giggling a lot. "Change into your pj's while I get us some food." As he says I do exactly that and put on my shorts and a bigger hoodie.

We eat together while watching movies together. After a while I feel sleepy and ready to turn in. The boys still aren't back yet. Hm. I lay my head on Hoseok's shoulder and drift off to sleep.

{Hoseok's POV}

"Y/n? Baby." I check if she's really asleep then I hear her cute little snores. I pick her up and carry her inside my room, carefully laying her on my bed. Before I dim the lights I hear her mumble something. "Hobi please come back." A few tears escape her eyes making me shocked at first but I'm a little used to it. I dim the lights and rush back to Y/n.

"Baby." I move Y/n's body a little. She rubs her eyes and sits up. "Don't leave." Her cute doe eyes look back at me making my heart do back flips. "I won't." I cuddle her while nuzzling into her neck. "D-Don't do that!" She whines while biting her lip. I kiss her neck making her squirm a little.

The things I want to do to you right now.

"Shhh get back to sleep. I'll be right here when you wake up." And just like that we fall asleep after I turn on some soft music, her favorite music.


I wake up to feeling nothing in my arms. I quickly sit up and look around to find Y/n slowly shutting the door. "I went to use the restroom. Sorry if I woke you." She nervously messes with the ends of her hoodie. "I was just worried that's all. Come here." I know my voice can intimidate Y/n sometimes.

{Y/n's POV}

His sleepy voice makes my knees weak. I slowly step closer to Hobi and sit next to him. I look at the clock.

3 A.M.

"Baby can I be honest?" Hobi gives me a certain look. I cross one leg over the other and nod. "Wait." I mumble and quickly go to my side of the bed to lay next to him. "You're adorable." He flashes his smile at me. I blush and lay on my back. "Baby remember earlier when I had you pinned down?" I think I know what he wants me to do for him.


"That didn't help with my problem. I need to please you right now." Hobi places his hand on my thigh slowly moving up and down. He moves his hand closer each time to my core. "Aren't the others home?" I grab his hand and he looks at me. "Yeah so?" "Go to sleep, Hobi." I turn my back on him but he doesn't take that lightly.

"Y/n." Hobi cuddles from behind me making me feel his obvious boner. "H-Hobi-" I'm cut off when he starts to kiss on my sweet spot. I'm so sensitive to these kinds of things. "Now I'll let you sleep." I smack his chest and pout. "That's not fair." I whine sitting up to turn on the lamp next to me. "What's wrong babe? You don't want me to continue so I'll respect your body." He pinches my cheeks and kisses my lips.

Being shy to tell him I want more than that I shyly look away from his eye contact. "Is there something on your mind?" "N-No. Let's just go back to sleep." I turn my back on him and cover myself with the blankets.

I feel his arms wrap around my waist and his body press against mine. "I don't think you want to just sleep." Hobi kisses on my neck and moves his hands underneath my hoodie. "May I?" I nod giving him permission for anything.

"Are you sure?" Hobi lays me on my back and gives me concerned eyes. I feel an instant sting of confidence and grab his bulge, moving my hand back and forth earning groans from him. "M-Marlo." I move my hand under his shorts and underwear to better satisfy him.

He twitches in my hand. I cover his mouth with my free hand so he isn't too loud with his groans. Hoseok cums with my touch.

Hobi climbs over me and removes my shorts and panties in one go. Before I could debate it his tongue makes contact with my heat. He swirls his tongue and sucks hard on my clit.

I bite on my lip to contain my moans. I accidentally let a slightly loud moan out making Hoseok stop. "Keep quiet princess." I nod with my eyes closed letting him continue. Finally the feeling builds and I release my liquids. He licks me clean.

Knock Knock Knock

"Hoseok hyung are you awake?" Hobi quickly shoves himself in me and lays on top of me. The pillow hides my face. The door opens and from the voice I can tell it's Namjoon.

Hobi buried his face in the crook of my neck so I feel his breath on my sweet spot. "You're sleeping." Namjoon sighs and quickly shuts the door. Hoseok looks around the room to make sure Namjoon wasn't playing games and thrusts into me slowly.

The pleasure feeling so good my eyes roll back. "H-Hoseok-" His hand covers my mouth as his thrust become a bit faster. I grip onto the pillow. "H-Hobi-" "I k-know." My walls clench around his member as my high comes.

This feeling is euphoric and so good.

I release myself all over Hoseok's member and he quickly pulls out the release. I quickly shove him in my mouth earning a loud moan from him as he releases in the back of my throat. I lick what's left. We collapse on the bed.

"Why'd you do that?"

"No mess.."

"Give me a kiss."

"But I just-"

"I don't care."

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