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"You're joking."

I show him our pictures in the same yearbook off of my phone. "I knew you looked familiar." I smile. "Yeah. I remember you! You used to be super happy until one day then became kind of distant." Hoseok smiles, remembering the memories of me waving at him in the morning.

At a time we shared the same locker because a girl kept stealing his phone but we never gotten super close, always been acquaintances. I know exactly what day he's talking about. That's the day everything went further down in my life for myself.

"That's cute." Jungkook smiles. My face burns hot. "Jungkookie!" Hoseok glares at Jungkook. "We should be leaving the hotel in 30 minutes." Taehyung says while looking at his phone.

I grab my other phone that's in my pocket and receive a call. Before I answer it, there's a ding noise. "This phone must've gotten tapped." I hang up the phone and put it back in my pocket.

"How do you know it's being tapped?" Hoseok gives me a confused look. "My friend's crazy ex used to tap her phone a lot so we learned the pattern."

My thoughts quickly turn to Shelly. She told me to text her when I landed. Dammit!

"I'm going to go get ready." I nervously look up in Hoseok's direction and try to quickly flee. "Wait." Hoseok grabs my arm, just like he did last night in the hallway. His back facing the other two as my back faces the door.

"Be safe and make sure to eat well." Hoseok slowly let's go of my arm. "Y-Yeah sure." My eyes wonder to his and I kind of quickly walk away.

-Hoseok's pov-

"I knew I remembered those dimples." I smile brightly and plop on the bed. "What's up with you?" Jungkook laughs lightly. "She was my childhood crush but when BigHit came into my life I lost all connections to her." I smile to myself remembering all the times her beautiful dimples would poke out when greeting me.

"Are you sure she isn't your current crush?" Jungkook teases but it doesn't bother me because I still missed her.

"Hush and go get ready. You know Jimin might pull another 'Jimin' today." I grab my phone and decide to text my sister. "You're right. He'll take the full 30 minutes if he has to." Taehyung chuckles and they exit my hotel room.

-Marlo's pov-

"Hey are you good?" I notice how gloomy Jen looks. "I'm good. I was just thinking." Jen looks up to me as I shut the door and grab my hoodie which is also black. "About?" I sit on my bed, across from hers, and take a look at her scanning her features and expressions.

"I like Jung Hoseok." She looks me dead in my face. Her face looks a bit disgusted at me. "Tell him. He might feel the same way." I smile slightly as her face expression changes into a smirk. "I'm sure the boss wouldn't want us dating."

"Oh well. Just ask. I have to take a phone call." As I say that my phone starts ringing.


"Hm." Jen gives me an off look. What's up with this girl? I step into the hallway and answer Shelly's call. "Hey sorry I didn't call when we landed. I got really tired."

"Ah it's okay as long as you're safe."

"How's everything back at home?"

"It's good. I found your old yearbook and did you know you went to school with J-Hope?!"

"Yeah. We were acquaintances but never close like I wanted to be with him."

"Ahh how cute!"

"Hush!" I giggle. I did have a small crush on Hoseok but I never thought he paid me any attention. "Well be safe okay? I love you. Bye!" Shelly hangs up the phone so I put my phone in my pocket. I notice Ron coming out of the elevator so I wave to him.

"Hey." He smiles and stands in front of me. "Do you know where my girlfriend is?" Ron raises his smile brightly as confusion washes over me. "Who?"

"Jen. My girlfriend."

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