Chapter 16

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Riyaadh hadn't realised Saudah had been chewing gum until he kissed her again. It was her favourite and it was ridiculously expensive, but he wouldn't complain- not when she tasted so good. She tasted like bubblegum ice-cream and grape and all things good and when his hand slid just a little lower down her back, her gasp was all kinds of cute. She almost shook with surprise as he touched her here and there and kissed her down the side of her throat.

He stretched out his hand to switch off the lights, smiling as she untied the drawstrings of her pants. His palm brushed against her sides as he pushed the material over her hips and down over her legs before she stepped out of them. She shivered as his fingertips traced her thigh then moved back up to her waist then along her back.

Her heart thrummed against his chest and her breaths were short and shallow as he played with her body.

He felt her palms on his shoulders before she pushed him away. "Wait, no. Stop. We need to stop."

"What happened?" he asked, quirking an eyebrow as she took a step back.

She but down extra hard on her piece of gum as she stepped back into her pants and tied up the drawstrings once more.

"Did I do something wrong?" he asked, waiting for her to look back up at him.

"No, not at all." She rubbed her thumb across his lip. "I want this to continue. I want it so, so badly." Saudah stepped forward and kissed him on his lips. A quick, hard kiss before she stepped back. "I want you to..." she sat down heavily on the bed. "I know that you'll make me feel really, really good. Just a kiss and I'm practically flying already."

Riyaadh couldn't stop his smile watching all her hand gestures and the way she still couldn't catch her breath.

"But I don't want to be the only one feeling that way. I want you to feel good too because..." Saudah shrugged, "Because you're important and I want to make you feel amazing too. I mean, I've waited this long to lose my virginity and everything else that goes with it so I can wait a little longer because I want you to..." she dropped her head to lay in her hands. "I'm embarrassing myself here, aren't I? Ignore me. Word vomit and whatever."

"You know how to make a guy feel chuffed, ne?" Riyaadh teased. He couldn't help but tease her, really.

"It's a talent, ya." She drolled.

"So, I make you feel like you're flying?" He joined her on the bed.

"What happened to my shy Riyaadh?" She nudged him softly.

"He's having fun watching the word vomit."

She smiled at him, but it faded before she turned away from him.

"What happened?" he cupped her cheek, turning her to face him again.

She licked her lips as she looked down at her lap.


Saudah took his arm in her hands and folded up his sleeve till it touched is elbow. "I know about this," she ran her fingers over the little red indents, "and I'm sorry that my curiosity got the better of me."

Riyaadh pulled out of her hold and moved away from her. His knee shook and his foot tapped an erratic beat against the hard-wood floors.

"I just... I get it, Riyaadh-why you do the things you do- and I cant keep it to myself anymore."

She moved closer to him. "I'm sorry."

He rolled down his sleeve before he reached into his pocket for the box he knew was there. "I need to smoke..." he said it more to himself than to her but as he stood up, he looked back down at her. "Don't follow me."

He didn't want her there. Not before he could process what she had said.

She stood up and took a step towards him.

"Just don't, Saudah."

His voice was sharp and his message clear.

She wasn't needed and she certainly wasn't wanted.

He walked away before she could say another word, ignoring everything else until he found his sanctuary once more.  

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