Chapter 12

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I'm sorry, Saudah. I know it's not enough, but I am sorry.

I know you are. But don't say it again until you're really sure. So this is awkward and I'm going to just... what you up to?

i just fed Tommo now and you?

Finally got out of the kitchen. It was a bit of a long tea session.

 And how's your mum and dad?

They're okay. I didn't expect them to move this quickly so it's kind of weird.

Are you already starting to pack up?

We'll start tomorrow. We had to pick up the boxes today. Did you know Clicks gives you boxes for free?


Yeah... some are kind of gross though. But you just need to drive up to their loading zone and pick it up.

Did you get a box for Tommo?

Yeah I did. It's a massive one. I'll drop it off tomorrow after work.

Okay. We miss you, you know.


Yeah. No jokes

You're sweet, Riyaadh. I miss you too.




How's your mum and Faariah?

They're okay. I went there for supper today.

Did you take the biscuits I left in the cupboard?

That fat packet?


Yup. Faariah polished it off before supper.


Dunno. Fayaaz was naar with her because of it.

Oh my God! My bed is gone!


Ya. My dad sold it when we went out this afternoon. He gave me a blow-up mattress :(

Oh man. That sucks. Sorry!

Oh well... anyway. Give Tommo a scratch on his ears for me.

Lol, will do.

Speak tomorrow.

Sweet dreams.

To you too.


I cant believe I've been here a week and we've only done three rooms! We still have the two store rooms and the pantry and the lounge and the dining room to go.

Eish... and how long till the big move?

2 more weeks! And Murad is such an asshole. He's not even helping.

Not at all?

No. It's not like we should even be surprised. He's never done much in his whole entire life so why should this be any different.

He sounds like an asshole. Are any of his things there?

Yeah. His shit is taking up an entire store-room. And God forbid I ever tell him about it! He's so damned sensitive to everything. He'd probably rat me out and I'll get another lecture again.

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