Chapter 8

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"You're actually here?"

As opposed to an actual greeting, Riyaadh wasn't all too sure how to react to his cousin.

"Why wouldn't I be?" he asked Talha.

"You were always shacked up with your last stekkie. We never saw you."

The words hit Riyaadh deeper than was meant them to.

Talha's younger brother slapped him over the back of his head. "He clearly has a new stekkie, jackass!"

"I'm not a jackass. I'm just asking..." Talha said, stung from the comment.

Riyaadh backed away before the brothers could ask him any more questions and went in search of his own brother. He hadn't seen Fayaaz in almost two weeks and he needed a smoke- Fayaaz would be generous enough to give him one.

He assumed Saudah would be fine enough with his sister. Faariah generally spoke enough for everybody in the room and there was no real effort required in getting along with her.

"Hey, man." Fayaaz tapped him on his left shoulder before popping up on his right.

"Hey. Got a smoke?"

Fayaaz reached into the back pocket of his jeans, counting how many he had left. "Yup. But better make it fast. Mum's been looking for you and you know she'll klap you if she catches you." He handed a cigarette to Riyaadh, walking out with him.


"Anytime." Fayaaz looked him up and down, surveying him. "You doing good?"

"Ya." He lit his cigarette, holding his hand around the tip to keep the flame going before he took two deep drags. "You?"

"Okay. Turns out that chick from your wedding is married." Fayaaz grabbed the lighter from Riyaadh's pocket, lighting up his own smoke.

"Which chick?"

"The one with the Cindy Crawford mole." Fayaaz gestured to his own face.

"Oh..." Riyaadh nodded, "Shame."

"She's married to Mickey's friend." Fayaaz shook his head.

"Oh well. Is Mickey even here?" Riyaadh slowed down his puffs, savouring the taste of it.

Fayaaz shrugged. "Are you okay?" He looked at Riyaadh again, watching even closer.

"Yes, Fayaaz." Riyaadh sighed, stomping out his cigarette.

"You look like shit."

"My shift just ended." He offered.

Fayaaz shook his head. "I know what you look like when your shift ends. You look worse." He took three quick puffs, before dropping the stompie to the ground. "Is she treating you okay?"

"Saudah?" Riyaadh quirked his brow.

"Ya, Saudah. Is she treating you okay?"

"Ya." He wasn't lying. 

"Then what is it?"

Riyaadh shook his head and pushed off the wall. "You want gum?" He offered a stick to his brother.

"You need more than gum to get that smell off you. How much did you smoke on the way here anyway?"

"Three, maybe?"

"Mum's going to klap you. You're going to die."

"I'm too fast for her," Riyaadh chuckled. "She'll get you first."

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