Chapter 7

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Saudah was bent over her laptop when Riyaadh walked in after his shift. "So, here's something odd." He took off his shoes and left it by the door before he pulled off his overalls and threw it into the hamper next to him.

"Uhm hmm..." she pushed her reading glasses up her nose as she continued to type up her report.

"My cousin is getting married."

"That's nice." She was distracted and barely even listening.


"Love-wait what?" Saudah looked up from her laptop.

"Yup. He's getting married right now."


"Yup literally." He walked into the bathroom to wash his hands and came out to a still deeply perplexed Saudah.

"Do we have to go there?"

"Uhm hmm."

"Oh..." she nodded, closing her laptop. "What am I supposed to wear?" she looked down at her shabby home-clothes, uselessly pulling at her top. "Wait, who's getting married?"

"Imtiyaaz and I have no idea." He sat down across from her, grabbing her bag of crisp from beside her. "Wear whatever you like."

She pulled a face at him.

"Ya... no one really likes him."

Saudah chuckled at his blunt response. "Your aunty scares me." She confessed.

"Aunty Saadiah scares everyone." He had polished off her packet and had moved on to the bag of marshmallows between them.

"Your cousins are kinda intimidating too."

"They are, aren't they. You get used to them after a while." He had stuffed his mouth with as many marshmallows as he could, grabbing another handful before he could even swallow what was in his mouth. "Do we have more of these?" he picked up the bag, frowning at its near empty state.

"No..." she stood up and stretched her back, smiling as she caught his eye on her. "Should I wear a skirt or a dress?"

He shrugged his shoulders, already popping open her can of Sprite. "Whatever you feel comfortable in."

She shook her head at him. "Who's he getting married to though?"

"A Russian or a Ukranian or..." he looked down at the message on his phone. "A Russian. He met her online."

"Oh..." she ran her fingers through her hair, pursing her lips at how dry it felt. "Do I have time to shower?"

"Go ahead. I'll go after you." He stood up and headed towards their kitchen. "I'm just going to get something to eat...."

"Something more, you mean."

Riyaadh grinned at her, showing her his dimple before he disappeared into the kitchen to empty out the cupboards. 

A/N- What is this? A ridiculously short update! But if we're crossing timelines- we're right about at the beginning of part 3 of Loving you Better.

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