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Chapter 16 - I tell ANOTHER story (Part One)


We are going to pretend the last chapter never happened.

I'm not old.

And I'm still 22.

So, since today's NOT my birthday, I'm going to tell you a story.

I'm going to tell the true story of Sleeping Beauty.

From the perspective of someone who was there to experience it firsthand.

In the vast land of Enchancia, there lay a small kingdom that went by the name of 'Domino'. (Yes, Domino. Yes, I'm serious)

It was a beautiful kingdom that flourished in its wealth and magic.

The King and Queen of Domino were always happy, and Domino was always peaceful, known as a safe haven for anyone in need. 

It had so many cultures that it was rare to find someone that did not have at least one drop of magic in them.

But one day, the King and Queen had a terrible fight. The Queen had just learned that the King had been cheating on her, and had at least 7 illegitimate children. (well, he's been busy...)

The Queen was furious.

And as part of a very special magic bloodline, she put a powerful curse all across the kingdom and disappeared.

At first, the curse was not evident so everybody believed it was a sham. Then slowly, they noticed that the crops had begun to wilt.

How could this happen?!

This was Domino!

The great (but small) kingdom of magic and wealth!

But crops wilting and dying weren't the only thing happening.

Soon, a child was born.

Children in Domino were known for their elfish beauty and charm, being connected to so many bloodlines and all.

The child was born ugly.

And not the ugly where the child is plain with no charm--- but the type of ugly that had green skin, large noses, huge feet, and very, very misshapen bodies.

The King sent all of his guards and trusted advisors to search for a cure.

There was no cure found.

The once enchanting kingdom soon became a wasteland filled with ogre-looking people, until one day, a beautiful child was born.

The kingdom became hopeful.

Was this child the cure to their problems?

Would Domino be restored to its former self?

The beautiful child was named...


Happily Ever After is a LIE Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora