6. Mistake

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Dedicated to Shishiyos, my child for sharing this Witch Hunter AU uwu

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He made a name for himself, getting him known for as the one-eyed witch hunter in the town. Witches of different kinds have been killed using only his sword, or his bow and arrow.

Kubo had made himself as a witch hunter that had slayed many notorious witches, but this witch has got to be one of his monumental feats in his so-called witch killing career.

"Aye young man, are you sure about this?" One of his older peers in witch hunting had asked him, as Kubo nodded sternly. "Yes sir," he responded politely.

The old man had sighed, giving Kubo his needs for his journey to kill the most powerful witches among all witches.

The one that lives at the far edge of the woods, near the huge mountains. One that would make you suffer in the middle of the night if you provoke her name, even by accident.

The witch that was known for being the most dangerous witch out of all the witches, the one that had killed each and every single witch hunter that had a plan to take her life.

"I have to warn you, no witch hunter has ever killed-" the old man had to stop himself from saying her name, in fear that she may hear him and kill him in his sleep.

"If I would be killed under her wrath, then I just want to let you know that I fought for the town I grew up in from beings like her," Kubo said while gritting his teeth in anger. This witch had killed many brave men, but it's time for him to seek the dark witch himself.

Kubo nodded kindly to the old man, exiting the cottage that was sitting near the start of the thick trees of the forest.

"Wherever you are, how powerful you may be, I will try my best to defeat you, even if it costs me my life, Agatha Prenderghast."

He started his journey by just walking north, where most witch hunters had told him where she would be.

When the sun started to set, the rain poured heavily from above, painting the sky in a dark colour. This could all be her doing, but Kubo was determined to fight against the rain.

A few hours had passed, and the rain kept pouring hard. He was growing sick, and tired, and he was walking non stop without eating or drinking anything other than the rain itself. He has to find shelter quickly, but no one lives in the middle of the woods as far as he knows.

"Curse all of this rain," he grunted with a tired groan, as he pushed himself to continue. But the rain is not showing any signs of stopping, until his body had given up on him, before he unknowingly passed out.

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Kubo woke up to the sound of the birds chirping from outside, as the sun blinded his eye temporarily, prompting him to get up.

He was lying on a small bed, making him assume that he's back on the town. Then, out of nowhere, his head had throbbed painfully, making him groan loudly as he clutched his forehead to at least soothe the pain.

The sound of the door opening had alarmed him, as a mysterious young girl entered the room he's in with a glass of water on her hand. "Oh my goodness, you're awake!" She exclaimed worriedly, as Kubo tried to take a good look at the young lady.

She has dark ebony hair, wearing a simple black dress with fair white skin. Okay, she was definitely not who he was expecting. "Who are you?" He asked her, as she sat on the bed beside him.

She hesitates for a moment, before smiling at him. "I'm Mika," she told him softly, handing him the glass of water. "Drink, you'll feel better," she insisted, as Kubo looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

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