35. What happens inside the closet, stays inside the closet

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"Why did Valentine's Day have to be on a Monday, of all the days???" Norman groans, folding his arms on the table before slamming his head down on them with a loud thump.

"True, it could've landed on literally any day other than Monday," Winnie says with the roll of her eyes. "Facts," Kubo says, pointing his pen to her with a nod.

"Our quadra-date is ruined by that no good Mr. Pig Dunce giving us a butt ton of math homework," Eggs complains while shaking his head.

"The universe hates us guys, let me tell you," Wybie sighs while writing rows and rows of nothing but lines of equations on the piece of paper he has, like what everyone else is doing.

"Honestly? I wouldn't rant about it as much, if the homework he gave us is not THIS hard." Agatha gestures her hands to the papers to emphasize her point. "It's like the most romantic day of the year turned into a nightmare," she adds while scratching the back of her head.

"Okay, he's a teacher, I respect that," Kubo nods, "but I will never forgive him for destroying my Valentine's day fluff," he scowls as he runs his hand through his hair.

"Right!?" Coraline shouts. "This is so stupid!" She exclaims as she throws the pen on the table in frustration.

"I'm not even mad, I'm just disappointed," Neil replies with a frown. "Granted, we all prefer doing something else other than dealing with math, but at least we're still together like what we planned."

"Despite the ridiculous difficulty, I agree on that," Agatha says.

"We should definitely do something after this," Coraline suggests as she puts her pen down. "I don't care if I go home late, I just want to forget this math bullshit ever happened today."

"I'm in on that one," Norman nods his head. "Same," Wybie mentions. "Me too," Kubo agrees. "Me three!" Eggs shouts along.

"Besides, all of us are in my mansion," Winnie smirks smugly. "I'm sure they'll let you guys stay in here late."

"That's enough motivation for me to finish this damned math homework," Agatha replies as she straightens her back on the seat. 

Kubo moves his seat closer to the long haired girl. "Guide us, oh great math wizard," he says with a grin, leaning towards Agatha to place a quick kiss on the forehead.

She lowers her head down to hide the sudden flush on her cheeks, knowing that the others looking at her smugly. 

"Stop being cheesy, Kubo," Norman mentioned, prompting Kubo to give off a small laugh. 

"Neil, I think Norman's jealous," Coraline says in a teasing tone, making their friends laugh as Norman rolls his eyes.

"Oh yeah girl," Eggs cheers, cracking his fingers as his brows knit in determination. 

"Okay, we'll deal with all the sweetness later." Wybie looks to the two of them and smirks "Let's do this!"

Norman and Kubo didn't fully understand the questions at hand, but both tried their best to keep the peace by joking around whenever the three math wizards are at each other's throats. Winnie, Coraline and Neil helped with checking and rechecking small equations needed to solve the bigger whole from time to time. And eventually, Eggs, Wybie and Agatha finished answering the the three difficult questions for their math homework within the next 30 minutes.

Agatha closed her notebook. "If the correct substitiution on number two is how I did it and not how you did it, I'm killing you in your nightmares," she comments.

"Can I have that for a minute?" Kubo whispers to her. "Oh! Sure," Agatha whispers back as she slides her notebook to him.

"You can, if you can reach me," Eggs chuckles as he looks at her with a smug expression on his face, making her roll her eyes at him.

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