40. Travel Drabbles: A Mini Collection of Short and Unfinished Oneshots

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Author's Note:
I've been gone for the weekends and went through an out-of-town eating frenzy, a church mass, ulcer vomits, and a swimming party with my mum's friends.
I've heard them mercilessly tell each other mom jokes and argue about politics, with me having no choice but to listen in pain.
Even though I tried to shield myself with my Spiderverse playlist and Barbie playlist on Spotify, enough was enough.
So here's some drabbles I wrote with the LAIKA kids, hoping I don't hear the name "Marcos" from them again.
Spoiler alert: None of these are fully finished because either my aunties would bother me or my ulcer interrupts my train of thought. As a result, the titles for these drabbles are so out of context. Despite that, I tried. Enjoy!

1. Winnie woke up and chose 🎻🎻🎻

Eggs has been in a mansion full of people he doesn't know before, with Winnie by his side all the time. The first time he did was a salty memory, and he certainly didn't want to make a fool out of himself again.

Eggs's hand clutches tighter around the redhead's hand, trying not to let the mansion's size intimidate him. He can feel her gaze land on him for a moment, but his eyes wandered on the other guests entering the mansion.

Winnie squeezes her hand on his, making his nerves calm down. She smiles at him, even though he can't see it.

"You'll do just fine," she says in a gentle voice, "I'll be with you."

Winnie's hand tugs against his, urging him to walk with her. Eggs's mind takes over his body as he steps forward, until he eventually starts walking.

Most of the guests wore fancy dresses and suits. Some were simple, and some were overly shiny that Eggs had to look away before he gets blinded by the glimmer.

Eggs didn't want to draw too much attention to himself, seeing as he's from a commoner's life that's dating a daughter of an aristocrat, but people can still see him like a dollar lost in a pile of silver coins.

"People are staring," Eggs says under his breath as the gossip of the guests grows louder, with the pulsing beat of his heart pumping against his chest.

Winnie turns her head to the noise, and the gossip around them turns into nothing but indistinguishable murmur.

"I hate to be here as much as you do," Winnie tells him, "I don't get the same respect as my-"

"Winifred Portley-Rind, my dearest little sister!" A tall redhead man in a dashing blue suit calls for them.

Eggs looks beside him as Winnie stops in her sentence. The redhead gives a polite smile.

"Hello to you too, older brother Francis," she says nonchalantly.

Eggs steps aside as Francis stops in front of Winnie. The tall redhead kisses his sister's cheeks and greets her with a grin.

"I don't remember hearing a noble guest say 'hello' to me," Francis lets out a guffaw, making Winnie roll her eyes.

"The side effects of being with a lowlife man, I suppose."

Eggs flinches upon hearing those words, though Winnie still gives his brother a smile. 

"Eggsis more decent than that woman you call 'wife', whom you've only married for her money," she says, and Eggs can feel a bubbling feeling of laughter inside his chest.

Francis gasps as he places a hand on top of his chest, Eggs places a hand on top of his mouth to prevent himself from laughing, while Winnie quietly grins at her brother.

2. Jumpscare

Many months have passed, and yet Agatha still finds herself feeling giddy. She rests her palms down to feel the soft grass beneath her as she sits there, waiting for him patiently.

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