Chapter 12

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I walked into Victoria Secrets where the boys we're suppose to meet us at. They claimed that "we might need help" which I could only laugh at, but it's whatever I love Vickey Secrets. I found a pair of underwear that was lace and said no peaking and was lace I fell in love with it. I felt a pair of hands snake around my waist and just by the way that our bodies fit into each other I leaned back into him . " girl I could've been some other nigga and you just gone lean back into him. what if it won't me? " he sounded upset I turned and looked at him he looked like a little kid that got his favorite toy taken from him. " don't make that face, you look like a baby " i giggled while saying it a smirk came upon his face "but I'm your baby" he had a cheesy grin on his face.

I laughed and turned around so my back was pressed against his front, while I picked out underwear and bras. He picked out a couple too "oooohhh they got the ones I was looking for in my size! " I got all exited and did a little dance it was these pink hipsters that said "pink" in bold letter on the back. His hands tightened on my waist as a groan left his lips " Cas stop. moving. please " he sounded like he was pleading I laughed a little until he pressed himself against my back and I shut my mouth quick when I realized what it was. A gasp left my lips and his fingers tightened around my waist and he was pressed into me. I wasn't expecting it, I was caught of guard but why not tease him?

I closed my eyes and pressed into him more if it was even possible, I placed my hands on his hands that was around my waist and started to grind against him. Moans left his mouth and mines too, I rubbed my butt against him which was very much awake now. The clothes I had picked up were now on the ground and CeCe grabbed me turning me all the way around picking me up. Our parts met each other's, I moved around in his arms trying to get a little more friction as he sucked on my collarbone which happens to be one of my spots that I didn't know about until now. My back was now pressed against something which I didn't know before " oh my god, it feels so good! Jay go faster " he was rotating his hips into my spot slowly but I was so close. Just a little more, I moaned out just as I reached my climax. My eyes shot open we were still in Victoria Secrets and I just came IN MY PANTS! I jumped down from him a whimper left my mouth missing the way his body felt against mines but I had to get cleaned up. NOW!

I grabbed the clothes off the floor and put some extra pants in there which was right on the rack next to us. I grabbed my bag, pulled out my wallet and gave him 3 hundreds and the clothes. " I'm going to the bathroom right next door can you pay for these and bring them to me? please? " I heard a yes leave and left he may not have been finished but I was embarrassed and I was completely flushed. I left with my head down the area we were in was in the back of the store and deserted but the lady at the register smiled at me which made me feel a little at ease. Like a I know what you did smile but it's okay we all do it smile.

I went to the bathroom and about 7 minutes later the bathroom door shut and I heard his voice which made me smile. " uhm Cas I got your clothes and it's some other stuff in here I got you to clean up " I opened the stall up and hid behind the door since I had nothing on from my waist and below. He passed me two bags one with my clothes and another with a towel, soap, and wipes which made me smile cause nobody else would've done that.
I cleaned up washed my hands while noticing he was in different clothes. "thanks" I looked down still a tad bit embarrassed. It wasn't my first orgasm but it was the best one I've ever had, shit even better than head. I wonder how his lips would feel on my p- .. Stop stop stop stop ... "you wanna find out?" he looked over to me with a smirk I didn't say that out loud did I? "yeah you did" he laughed but I was sorta embarrassed.

Some how, some way this boy found away to knock down every single guard I had up. I really hope and pray that he doesn't break my heart, I may sort of act tough at times but I'm human with feelings too. I cry myself to sleep sometimes, so I don't want to suffer another heartbreak.... I don't know if I'll be able to handle this one, especially by Jayceon. I think I'm falling for him, I don't want too, but I can't stop my self. He's showing me things I've never experienced with anybody else. He's always there for me when I need him, no matter what time of day it is. He's just perfect, but too perfect ya know? I just feel like everything can't be too perfect, something has to happen soon. I looked up into his eyes as I found a smile appearing on my face, I wanted to walk away and leave him before he could hurt me or even think about hurting me. But I couldn't find myself to let go of his hand.

" Oh you guys came! " funny thing is they had no idea...

I like this chapter🙌😛💘 I attempted the sex scene ... So let me know if it was okay anyways vote & comment 😘 I'll try and update later I got essays to write 😩
- Shantoria😋

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