Chapter 9

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She continued to stirr in her sleep I wanted to take all the pain away from her but I remembered what Bre said. The tears flowed down her face so freely, as every tear slipped my hand was there to wipe everyone away. She started to yell my name saying she was sorry I guess that's why Bre called me over here. I was the person she was dreaming of but why? She started to break out into sobs I debated on shaking her awake but she'll just continue to have these nightmares but they'll just get worse.

I brushed her hair out of her face then notice that little beads of sweat was forming on her face. Her breathing got shorter then she started wheezing I hopped out of the bed and ran to where Breauna said she was going to be at, Cas needed an inhaler and fast.

" aye Bre she having an asthma attack where's her inhaler " there was so much panic in my voice, it's like she has an attachment to me even though we recently met I feel like she's the missing piece to me. Bre ran in the room and open a dresser then pulled out an inhaler. She passed it to me, I sprayed it once in the air then put it to her mouth and sprayed it twice. She was still asleep but her breathing started to calm down and her wheezing had stop. I put the inhaler on the nightstand close to me just in case it happened again. Bre started back crying I knew she was worried about her best friend. I pulled her into a hug as she cried "hey she'll be okay shell be fine Bre " I tried to convince her and myself too, what if she wasn't ? what if she continued to have these asthma scares ? what if... what if she doesn't want to see me anymore? a bang on the front door cut my thoughts short... " thanks, I'll get it " Bre said giving me a pained smile, I remembered I text Jayson to come over so that Bre could have somebody comfort her.

I heard a squeal from the hallway and a small smile appeared on my face until I heard a faint cry. I got in the bed with Cas and pulled her really close to my chest I tried to sooth her by rubbing which made her automatically start crying again. Her big brown eyes met my grey eyes, I was happy she finally woke up on her own. She wrapped her arms around my neck and her face went right into my neck she fit so perfectly like a missing puzzle piece. "somebody shot you... they looked just like me, like it was me who shot you and I was running and running trying to get to you before.... before you died" her words started to get muffled and by her shaking I could tell she was actually scared. I sat her in my lap and stared down on her she looked so innocent and afraid. She started to play with my fingers I guess to keep her distracted.

" Cas? " her big brown eyes looked up into mines and I swear I lost all train of thought. They were like eyes that you got completely lost in when you look into them. " huh ? " I snapped out of my daze and remembered what I was going to say. " I'm not going anywhere, for a long time... As long as you want me here I'll be here. Even when you don't want me here I'll be here right by your side. " a small smile can on her face and I had one to match it. Her eyes flickered to her fingers and mines which so happenly intertwined together. When her eyes met I promise you I was falling for her and falling hard....

" pinky promise " she stuck out her pinky with her free hand. It was so adorable, but pinky promising? I looked towards the door and around the room making sure nobody saw me about to do this. A small laugh came
from her mouth before my pinky reached out for hers " pinky promise" .

I know it was a little boring sorry 😩 even though I thought the ending was cute💕 but anyways Jayson and Breauna POV next chapter😊 continue to vote, comment and let me know how y'all feel about the book. Not updating until I get a certain amount of views and also votes, unless I'm in a good mood😛😋💕😈 comment & vote .

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