Chapter 37

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I was oh so familiar of the state I was in... I felt lonely most of the time I was here, all I could do is think and reflect. I only had a small portion of visitors. I expected to hear his voice for him to be her for me, but he wasn't. I know he's dealing with a lot, but would it have hurt for him to at least pay me a visit?

It went from him coming on a daily basis to him not even showing up anymore.. Maybe if I was more careful I wouldn't have got shot. Maybe if I was more careful I wouldn't be complaining about him not visiting me.

Life Tip: Don't Get Attached

I wish I took that tip, but I didn't and look where it got me. Stressing over somebody who probably doesn't give a flying fuck about me anymore. For all I know he's living the life with Jazzy and whoever the fuck else..

My main question is why does it hurt me so bad that he might just be doing that...

I don't love him, I haven't known him long enough to even love him.. I mean I know you shouldn't base off how you feel for how long you've known another individual but still. It hasn't even been a full year! But you can fall in love with a person in a day.

But can you fall in love with a thug in months?

The crazy thing is throughout that time we either weren't talking or I was in a coma... Blah blah blah.

I'll be back soon and back better, stronger and I'll make sure I figure out what I want and what I want to do with my life.

I hope I keep my word, honestly.

I mean during this time I can plan out everything I need, all I can do is think and use my imagination. That's what I plan to do, use my imagination...

I'm back 💖 decided to do a little update today. I might do a double update 😛💖

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